August 5, 2023 | Parish Update

August 5, 2023 | Parish Update

“I got you,” Praying for Fr Don, and August Happenings

View the full posting at our Flocknote email (don’t forget to join so you can receive the update via email).

From the P.I.T. (Pastor In Training)

“I got you!”… I know that it’s probably not the most grammatically correct saying out there. It might be better to say, “I have your back.” Nonetheless, these are the words that come to my mind as I reflect on the Transfiguration of Jesus in today’s Gospel: “I got you!”

The Transfiguration is the point where Jesus reveals to Peter, James, and John his divine nature, but also his kingly status. This harkens back to the first reading from the Prophet Daniel: “The one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship; all peoples, nations, and languages serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7:13-14). A king, especially in the Old Testament, was made king because he would protect his people. As we also heard proclaimed in the psalm, “the Lord is King”! The Lord is going to do everything in his power to protect us.

Peter, James, and John see Jesus “transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light” (Mt. 17:2). Later, “a bright cloud cast a shadow over them, then from the cloud came a voice that said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him’” (Mt. 17:5). With this glimpse of his divine and kingly nature, the disciples are given strength to endure not only the crucifixion, but also are given strength for their future ministries. The Lord is King and has already won the battle.

As we celebrate the Transfiguration, know that Jesus desires for us to have the same personal encounter with him that his apostles experienced in the Gospel. That way, whatever crosses may come, we will know in a profound way that Jesus Christ is King and is willing to fight and die for us!

After the Transfiguration, Jesus walks down the mountain with Peter, James, and John and tells them to “not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead” (Mt.17:9). Ultimately, the Transfiguration reveals the Lord’s divine plan and his desire for us to join him in the coming resurrection as well. When things get difficult, I just keep hearing Jesus Christ saying in response, “I got you!”

Father Michael

Did you miss one? View past news from the P.I.T. here.

Praying for Fr Don—Most Recent Journal Entry as of 8/5


Fr. Don is resting peacefully.  He had been extremely restless and had episodes of agitation. That has subsided and he finally is calm.  The doctor has him on a regular schedule of medications to help keep him calm.  

He has been comforted by the many email notes he has received.  I have been able to read them to him even though he is not awake.   His phone and iPad are turned off now.

His great-nephew, Matt, drove from Arkansas to be with Fr. Don the last two days.  Today, his nephew Dan, will be with him this afternoon.  He even visited with his dear friend, Tony, from California.  

I do believe Fr. Don can feel your prayers and your love now.  He is making the transition from this earthly life to his eternal life.  Please pray this transition continues peacefully for him.

I have been humbled by the stories about Fr. Don’s ministry to so many people throughout his 41 years of being a priest.  He did not share these stories with me, but some of you have now.  How you met him and what he has meant to you!   He has had an amazing life filled with all of you!  Thank you!  I know he has told me how grateful he was for his life and all of the blessings he has experienced.

Please continue to pray for our Fr. Don.  He needs you now.  

God bless you and thank you again



Biblical Institute in the Diocese of Joliet (BIDJ) Preview Events 8/7, 8/8 & onwards

  • Interested in learning the Bible but aren’t sure if this is the program for you? Come to a BIDJ Preview Night! You’ll learn a lot about this tremendous diocesan program – and a few things that will help you with Scripture right now.  Jesus invited potential disciples to “come and see”!
  • At the preview event, you will meet a BIDJ instructor, talk to current students, see the resources used, get a feel for a typical class, ask questions about BIDJ and Bible Study in general, and learn about the Catholic approach to Scripture and how this program uses it.
  • Come out to any of the following preview gatherings; all are from 7pm to 8:30pm
    • Monday, August 7 Ascension Parish, Oak Brook Terrace
    • Tuesday, August 8 St Mary Immaculate, Plainfield
    • Monday, August 14 Visitation Parish, Elmhurst
    • Monday, August 21 Immaculate Conception Parish, Elmhurst
    • Tuesday, August 22 Holy Family Parish, Shorewood
    • Tuesday, September 5 St. Mary Immaculate Parish, Plainfield
    • Monday, September 11 Visitation Parish, Elmhurst
  • For more information such as registration and dates of classes about the Biblical Institute of the Diocese of Joliet, check out their website at this link or connect with Dr. Joan Gorski, Biblical Institute Program Director, at or 630-698-8961

Consuming Fire 8/8

  • Calling all young adults, join our Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group (CFYA) on Tuesday at 7pm for community and faith building. Reach out to to get plugged in with the group. 
  • WE GATHER | CFYA gather with regularity at OLM and other venues to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’! The gatherings are open to anyone: Catholics, non-Catholics, seekers, and those just curious about Jesus. OUR PURPOSE | The primary purpose of Consuming Fire is to help young adults grow in their relationship with Jesus together – and community is the most effective way to do that! After all, there are no “solo disciples”. Discipleship cannot be lived (and definitely will not flourish) in isolation. KEEPING IT REAL | Consuming Fire is all about real relationships where there is authenticity, accountability, and accompaniment.

Catholic Charities Back to School Fair 8/9

  • Catholic Charities’ Back to School Fairs help prepare children from low-income households for a new school year by providing a variety of services, including free school supplies! The Back to School Fair will be held as a drive-through. Pre-registration for the Fair is mandatory. Please spread the word to families that belong to DuPage County. The fair is on Wednesday 8/9th from 11am to 6pm at the DuPage County Fairgrounds located at 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton. Share this flyer with others that have details and QR code for the registration.

Salt and Light 8/9

  • Join Salt and Light Grow Group for a 10-week small group retreat that delves into the simplicity and grandeur of Consoling spirituality. This retreat is based on the popular book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒔.
    Gain new insights into how you can console Jesus; learn the keys to the great sanctity of the saints and blessed like Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Mother Teresa; and have all the tools you’ll need to “become a saint, a great saint, and quickly.” Check out for further details and registration. Looking forward to seeing you @ OLM on Wednesdays for this awesome study!

A Mother’s Heart Grow Group 8/10 & 8/24

  • A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
  • Check out this month’s gatherings! Questions? Reach out to Lydia Schmitt

Weekly Praying for Priests

  • A prayer group has been praying for priests in front of the Blessed Sacrament weekly for over a year now, as well as on First Fridays. With Lent approaching, these prayer gatherings could be an offering of prayer/sacrifice. Even if you can’t join the group inside the church, you can pray wherever you are at during the times below.
  • Here are the days/hours:Wednesdays at 10:30am – Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy with meditations for priests,   Thursdays at 12:30pm –  Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy with meditations for priests,First Friday of the month following 12pm Mass – Stations of the Cross with meditations for priests in the narthex.

Restore weekly confidential meetings

  • Restore is a ministry that accompanies men so as to win the battle against the struggles of living a lust-free life.
  • The ministry meets at a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening their resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of the addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day. Though the meetings are weekly, at the last weekly meeting of the month, men are guided by a licensed Catholic therapist. If you are ready to start breaking free from the struggles of living chastely and want to Restore your life email to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415.

Weekly Adoration

  • COME AND ADORE OUR LORD! Eucharistic Adoration is held three times a week at OLM! This past week, our readings were about Moses meeting God “face to face, as one man speaks to another” in the ‘Tent of Meeting.’ Just like Moses did 3,000 years ago, you and I have that very same opportunity for a face-to-face encounter with God to share what’s in our hearts, our joys, our worries, what’s troubling us right now, vetting it out with Jesus in the Eucharist. It is good to be with the Lord! It’s what we were created for. Whether we realize it or not, our hearts long for God and an awareness of His presence. He is our greatest good! And Jesus longs to reveal that goodness to us even more than we long to know Him. That’s why He took on flesh and became a man. That’s why He poured out His Holy Spirit. And that’s why He is truly and fully present in the Eucharist.
  • So come and encounter Jesus anytime this week at Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays and Thursdays 8:30am to 6:30pm and Wednesdays 8am to 12pm.
    And if you’d like to sign up for a regular time to be with Jesus, click here.


48th Annual Seminarian Sendoff Fest 8/13

  • You are invited to attend the Seminarian Sendoff fest and meet the seminarians of the Diocese of Joliet on Sunday, 8/13th from 1pm to 4pm. Join us at Benet Academy in Lisle as we celebrate the future of the priesthood. Enjoy a delicious buffet, and watch the highlight of this year’s event—a whiffle ball game between the priests and seminarians! 
  • Registration and an opportunity to become a Champion for Vocations by celebrating our seminarians with a monetary donation are found HERE. (You will be recognized in the program Book as a “Champion for Vocations”)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) continues on 8/13 at the 10am Mass

  • What is CLOW? The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a beautiful and meaningful experience designed specifically for our young ones. Through storytelling, interactive discussions, and age-appropriate activities, children have the opportunity to deepen their connection to faith and spirituality. The scriptures are brought to life in a manner that resonates with their hearts and minds, allowing them to grasp the timeless teachings and wisdom contained within. By creating a space that is inviting and inclusive, we hope to instill a love for God’s Word within each child, nurturing their spiritual growth and helping them discover the beauty and significance of their own faith journey. Sometime after the beginning of Mass, Father invites all children to participate in CLOW. The children joyfully return to rejoin their families, just before the Eucharistic Prayers take place, ensuring a shared celebration of faith for the entire congregation.

Mass Times for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary 8/15

  • We hope to see you to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Vigil Mass will be on Monday 8/14 at 6:30pm and Mass Times on 8/15thare 8am and 6:30pm.
    The solemnity recognizes when Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Belief in the Assumption traces back to the early Church, and Pope Pius XII dogmatically declared the Assumption in 1950.
    “Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.” —St. Maximillian Kolbe

Catholic Charities Mobile Food Pantry 8/16

  • The Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds 8/16 from 4:30pm to 6pm.  Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food.
  • The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place snow, rain, or shine!

Ministry Expo 8/19 & 8/20

  • 𝗪𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝘁… the Ministry Expo on August 19th and 20th after all the Mass Times in the Parish Life Center (PLC). Come see what is happening at Our Lady of Mercy, how you can help someone, as well as how the ministries can be of help to you, spiritually, mentally, and physically!
    This is a great opportunity to speak with our ministry leaders, and sign up to participate or volunteer. See you there.
  • Ministry leaders, if you did not receive an email from Zara to sign up to reserve a table, please connect with her at

Welcome Reception for Fr Frank 8/20

  • 𝗣𝗹𝘂𝗴 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿 — 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗕𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝗣𝘂𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶 𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻!
    Sunday, August 20th, from 1pm to 4pm
    Register now at Feel free to bring a dessert to share!

Saint Peregrine Prayer Service 8/22

  • All are invited to attend the St. Peregrine Prayer Service on Tuesday, 8/22 in the church after the 6:30pm Mass (at 7pm) 
  • St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. The relic of St. Peregrine will be present.

Bible Study on Presence The Mystery of the Eucharist with Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit 8/22

  • Bible Study on Tuesday evenings resumes on 8/22nd, which kicks off with the study on “Presence The Mystery of the Eucharist” accompanied with the “Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit!”  How exciting!
  • Sign up now at this link.
  • For any questions, please connect with Joe Wiacek or Joe Glasgow at or Shirley Staples on the exhibit.
  • With beautiful film-making and powerful teaching, the PRESENCE series will move your heart to dive deeper into the mystery of Jesus’ greatest gift to us —the HOLY EUCHARIST.This Augustine Institute study explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture to its profound role in the life of the Church and its members.To accompany us on this study so as to go on a deeper dive into the Holy Eucharist, we will be exhibiting “The Eucharistic Miracles of the World.”Register soon for this unique Bible Study experience! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 8/22nd.All you need to bring is your Bible, a study guide will be provided where you can jot down your answers or notes from the Bible Study.

Women Volunteers Needed for Dominican Literacy Center – Training is on 
8/15, 8/22, 8/24

  • The Dominican Literacy Center in Aurora will train new tutor volunteers for its literacy program in August. Female volunteers (with high school diplomas) are trained to help women students learn to read, write, and speak English. Tutoring sessions are 90 minutes, once a week, from September through May, at 260 Vermont St., Aurora (behind St. Therese Church). 
  • Tutors do not need to speak Spanish or have teaching experience, but all volunteers must attend 3 training sessions and view several training videos online. The next training dates are August 15, 22, and 24, from 6pm to 8:30pm. To volunteer, email Alison Brzezinski at For more information, visit or call 630-898- 4636. The Center is not handicap accessible.

Golf for a Good Cause! Catholic Charities “A Swing & A Prayer” 8/24

  • Register now for a day of Golf to support the life-saving work of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet.
  • Taking place on Thursday 8/24 at Cog Hill Golf & Country Club at 11am. Early bird pricing of $250/golfer includes 18 holes of golf with cart, grab and go lunch, drinks on the course, cocktail hour, buffet dinner and on-course contests with prizes!
  • Reserve your spot now and golf for an amazing cause at this link!

MAGNIFY Adoration Night 8/30

  • This summer season, deepen your relationship with Jesus by discovering the healing power of eucharistic adoration, praise, and worship at MAGNIFY. Contemplate in silence the scriptural reflection, Confession, and prayer ministry are opportunities for spiritual nourishment, finding peace and solace in the presence of Jesus. Bring your little ones along so as to be filled with wonder and awe as they encounter the profound love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. See you on Wednesday, 8/30th at 7pm.

OCIA Begins in September!

  • Are you interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the process to become Catholic? Or are you curious about what initiation for adults means?
    Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ said to Matthew “Follow me” and he rose and followed him. For Catholics, we respond in a similar way. The Christian way of life and becoming Catholic goes through a process of initiation, which is falling in love with Jesus and becoming His disciple. Through weekly meetings, we strive to help people learn how to respond to the prompting of God in their lives.
    The best way to learn is by doing Catholic things and hanging around other Catholics. The way to practice being a Catholic and enter into this process is through entering a way of life, as an apprentice learns from a master and that master’s community.
    Our blessed Lord Jesus is our master and becoming Catholic is a lot like being His apprentices. We call this process the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults often referred to as OCIA. It involves encountering the Word of God through the liturgies and personal study, engaging in a vibrant community at Our Lady of Mercy, worship with fellow believers in Christ, learning to pray and be of service to others.
  • Meetings will take the form of classes on Monday evenings led by our pastor, Fr. Michael Kearney and parochial vicar, Fr. Frank Pusateri and an invitation to fellowship gatherings on Thursday evenings starting in September.
  • If you are interested in being Catholic or know of someone who is interested, take the next step in responding to God’s call by completing the form on our webpage.

Mondays with Monica & Augustine 

  • Are you a disciple in Christ who have loved ones that have fallen away from the faith?  Please prayerfully discern about helping the upcoming new prayer group, Mondays With Monica & Augustine. Connect with for further details.

Join the OLM Mixed Bowling League! (August through May)

  • You need not be a good bowler. You only need to come out and enjoy some safe time out with fellow parishioners for one Friday a month. If you have thought about joining a league, now is the time to give it a try. There are 4 players to a team, but we will build a team for <4 players who wish to join. fees are $17person per month. the league will be one fridaymonth from august through may, skipping december. if you have questions andor would like join league, please contact dan panozzo at or call 815-302-4111. Come on out and join the fun!

Family Faith Formation Registration

  • Calling all parents with children in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade, please consider participating in the Family Faith Formation this year.
  • If you have already made the decision to participate in the Family Faith Formation opportunities, we are thrilled to have you on board. To secure your spot, we invite you to register right away by clicking on the following link. Your spiritual journey awaits!

PADS Hesed House Monthly Service Day 9/5

  • Stop by the atrium (at the main entrance) to select any of the “wish-list” items on the PADS Hesed House Board which will be used to prepare meals for 250 guests at the Hesed House homeless shelter.  
    Drop off the wish list items before all Masses on 8/26 & 8/27 in time for OLM’s commitment of the first Tuesday of each month.
  • Additional opportunities to help at Hesed House
    • Donate Breakfast Items HesedHouse has been running low on breakfast food items for their adult and family shelters. If you are interested in helping fill a current need, breakfast food donations will be greatly appreciated. Suggested donations include cereal, milk of any kind (2%, whole, skim, almond, etc.), bagels, granola bars, breakfast bars, waffle/pancake mix, eggs, pop-tarts. Breakfast items can be dropped off at theHesedHouse kitchen entrance on the hill for the adult shelters or the Door B (lobby) entrance for the family shelter.
    • Early AM Volunteers One of the hardest volunteer shifts to fill atHesedHouse is the early morning time slot.HesedHouse is looking for extra volunteers from about 4 a.m./5 a.m. – 7 a.m. The expectation on this shift would be to donate your time passing out breakfast items, helping staff wake up guests, light cleaning, etc. You would not be expected to donate a meal at this time. Please emailvolunteer@hesedhouse.orgif you are interested.
    • Hike for HesedAre you looking for more ways for your group to get involved? Hosting a Hike forHesedevent is a great opportunity to get more people involved with our mission. PleaseCLICK HEREto learn more or emailhike@hesedhouse.organd see how easy it is to gather together and make a difference!
    • Bike Drive A working bicycle can make all the difference for our guests. We are always looking for used or new bike donations. Please email Noemi Velazquez to find out more –
    • School Supplies HesedHouse is looking for groups to donate school supplies for their family shelter kids. See the attached document for a full list of the needed items. Please  if your group plans to participate in a school supplies drive.

The Power of the Invitation

  • Did you know that
    500 people who read a Catholic newspaper article about a parish gathering: one will come (0.2%).
    100 people who read about a gathering in the Sunday Bulletin: one will come (1%).
    50 people who hear an announcement at church: one will come (2%).
    25 people who see a video clip of someone sharing a story: one will come (4%).
  • But for every:
    5 people that are invited personally to attend: one will come (20%)!
  • That’s a BIG difference.  To put it simply: while we need to make the announcements, send emails and postings of Alpha to a lot of people in different ways, at the end of the day, inviting people personally is the most effective way for bringing people to Jesus. Just look at how Andrew invited Peter to come and meet Jesus, that invitation was so simple and powerful that its ripple effects of grace is felt to this very day.
  • The question then becomes do you know of Catholics and non-Catholics who feel disconnected or disengaged with their faith; please invite them to Alpha this coming season. Why invite people Alpha? Because each and every person deserves the opportunity to hear the life-saving news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring healing, foritude, friendship, fulfillment and transformation.
    And if you’ve never taken part in the Alpha course, come and see what Alpha is on Thursdays starting September 7th!

Register Now for Alpha on Thursdays starting 9/7

  • We all know someone who is exploring life, faith, and meaning; invite them to Alpha!
  • Or if you’ve never experienced Alpha at OLM, join the Fall session. Connect with new people. Watch an episode on a question of faith. Share your thoughts and hear from others.
  • Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment. It’s a place to connect with people, share your own questions, say anything you like or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome.
  • We’d love to hear your perspective! You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. Various pathways this fall are In-person, Spanish, Young Adults, and Family Alpha. We hope to see you on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm starting 9/7th. Find out more or register now at this link.

Waterleaf Women’s Center Run for Life  5K Run & Walk 9/9

  • Take part in Waterleaf’s Run for Life at the Waubonsee Lake Park on Saturday September 9th at 8am.  Choose between 5K Run, 2.2 mile walk, or kids run. Register now to support the life-saving work of Waterleaf Women’s Center at this link.
  • This event features:
    Run for Life performance tees for all who register by August 14, 2023
    Goodie Bag for all participants
    On-site registration on the day of the race starts at 7am
    Professional and accurate timing by Race Time, Inc.
    Water stations along the course & snacks at the finish!
    Finisher medals for all participants

Save the Date for Children Ages 4 to 12 & Families TALENT SHOW 9/16

  • The spotlight is calling your name! We extend a special invitation to all children aged 4 to 12 and their families to showcase their unique gifts and talents at our family-friendly talent show. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this unforgettable event!
  • There are 20 spots available, so we encourage you to secure your place by signing up now. Simply click on this link to register your family-friendly act and reserve your moment in the limelight.
  • Should you have any inquiries or need further information, please feel free to reach out to Justin and Laura Reyes, our dedicated point of contact, at They will be delighted to assist you.
  • Join us as we create wonderful memories together on the stage. We can’t wait to witness your incredible talents and celebrate the vibrant spirit of our community. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to shine!

Learn How to Discern Your VocationSamuel Group Starts 9/17

  • If you have a young adult in your life or know of one, please share the following invitation with them.
    Samuel Group invites single or dating young adults ages 20-35 who are striving for holiness and seeking a deeper relationship with God to commit to a rigorous seven-month program of prayer, discernment, and fellowship, guided by the spirituality and wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The 2023-2024 session starts on 9/17th!.
    To learn more, visit

The Reliquaries of St. Therese and her parents are coming to the National Shrine in Darien 9/17-10/1

  • The Centennial Reliquary of St. Therese and Reliquary of her parents, Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, will be visiting the National Shrine of St. Therese in Darien, Illinois from September 17 to October 1, 2023.  
  • They will have daily Masses at 11:30 AM and special programs each day from 2 to 4 PM.
  • Sign up HERE to get Relic Visit reminders and further details as the 2023 visit approaches! 

1st Annual Retreat for Parents/Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities 9/23

  • The Diocese of Joliet Disabilities Ministry is holding a retreat for parents/caregivers of persons with disabilities which will take place on Saturday, 9/23 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, 8040 Cass Avenue, Darien. There will be Mass, confessions, a speaker, and breakout sessions.
  • There will be TWO sessions from which to choose. Registration is required, please note space is limited do register soon at the this link.

Grab tickets now for REBOOT! with Chris Stefanick 9/27

  • Mark your calendars for a life changing evening. On Wednesday 9/27 @ 7pm, internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and TV host, Chris Stefanick, will be bringing “Reboot!” to OLM.

    God did not create us just to “get by” in this world; He created us to live life, and live it to the full. Come learn more about the beauty of our faith, the love that Jesus has for YOU, and how we are meant to live out this JOY in our daily lives.

    Reboot! is suitable for ages 12 and up, so bring the whole family, and bring a friend. We challenge you now to think of one person to invite, and get your tickets; don’t think, just do! Whether you’re a lifelong Church goer, just rediscovering your faith, or have never heard of Jesus before, this is THE event for you! Register now for this life-changing event.
  • Hear from Chris Stefanick through his show every Monday at 6pm; follow this link for the Chris Stefanick Show on FORMED!
    Get free access to FORMED online; see the Free Online Resources below (or through their App).

You can also check him out on the myParish App, just click on the button “Real Life Catholic”

Bishop Hick’s Monthly Column & Announcement of 75th Anniversary Jubilee Launch

  • Bishop Hicks’ monthly column for August is titled “Travel Lessons.” Read his insightful column HERE.
  • Our diocese was founded on December 11, 1948. For an entire year, we will highlight the great accomplishments of our past and how we were founded in faith, while being called to witness now and in the future, and continue to be sent forth to serve. Hear from Bishop Hicks as he describes the events and activities leading up to the year-long celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Joliet, watch the video HERE.

Scam Emails

  • From time to time, there are phishing (SCAM) emails going out to members of the parish and staff claiming to be Father Michael.
    Please note that Father Michael and Father Frank DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Michael or Father James, please discard it, (any email that does not have “” is a fake email) and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.  No one on the staff will personally ask for money in whatever form (gift cards etc). If someone sends you a private message, asking for a donation of sorts, it’s undoubtedly a fake account. Please keep praying for us, and God bless you!

Our Lady of Mercy Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

  • The Justice & Peace Ministry, which has constructed a Community Garden on Our Lady of Mercy parish grounds and provided fresh produce over the past few months has had a fruitful season and looks forward to expanding in 2023. Produce from the garden has been donated to local organizations such as the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and  Hesed House. Late-season plantings are still producing vegetables and herbs. The faithful volunteers have been pleased with the success of this very worthy cause. If you have a green thumb or wish to participate in the preparation and planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting in early spring and throughout the 2023 growing season, please contact Chris at 631-561-9722 or or Ida at 630-605-6038 or

Did You Know We Have a Parish School?

  • All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) located at 1155 Aurora Ave, Naperville is our parish school!
  • Are you a parent with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children struggling with the antithetical Christian values the government schools are indoctrinating the children who attend government schools?  You’re not alone.
  • Join a growing number of OLM parents who have made the movement!  Consider connecting with some of the families who have made the move from sending their child(ren) to public school to All Saints Catholic Academy.
  • Connect with Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or to express your interest and schedule a personalized tour.  Or peruse their website to explore your interest.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers

  • Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In 2022, we provided assistance to 72 households, helping 185 men, women and children to remain in their homes or apartments in time of financial need.
  • The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email to with your name and contact information.


For the Hispanic Community

  • Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
    Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM.
  • There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
    A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.

A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • How can we pray for you today?
    There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
  • Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and on the last weekend of the month Mass times.  Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.

Have you downloaded our myParish App yet?

  • If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app, available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones.  Or text APP to 88202 to download.
    • Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.

OSV Giving Link Update

  • Our online giving link has been updated by our provider (OSV), please be sure to update your bookmark, below is the link.
  • The myParish App “Giving” button has been updated.  Don’t have the myParish App yet? Text APP to 88202 to download!  Receive this update, instant news, and get access to the parish calendar, daily readings, and Confession guide.

Grow Groups | We continue to launch Grow Groups, one group at a time.
Connect with for any questions.

Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith.  Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month.  For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer.
Connect.  Reach out to Lydia Schmitt for any questions.

Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect.  Reach out to Mary Kubanda at

Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life.  Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm
Connect. For more information, connect with Geri Capulong at or Bonnie Ramirez at

  Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website. Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris
Mary LoGalbo
Jim Marks


FREE ONLINE RESOURCES and NEWS ON UPCOMING CONFERENCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.


Consider joining us at the beautiful JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, November 17-19, 2023 

This is a conference for individuals, couples, and families who desire to grow closer to Christ through the Good News as preached by the world’s most dynamic evangelists

Presenters include Bishop Robert Barron, Deacon Harold Burke-Silvers, Immaculee Ilibagiza, Dr. Peter Kreeft, Sr. Bethany Madonna, Fr. Dave Pivonka, and Tim Tebow

Click HERE for more information

FORMED.ORG Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church

  1. Visit
  2. Enter our parish zip or name
  3. Enter your name and email

or Download the FORMED App through these links: App Store or Google Play

Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives.


A Catholic Bible and Catechism App

We consulted more than 1,000 Catholics on what would make the ideal Bible and Catechism app and collected their direct feedback for over a year. Now it’s here! Download the App for free today on the App Store or the Google Play Store.

Check it out HERE

From Augustine Institute comes this NEW AND FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories.  Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.

Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.

Explore the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith!Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this link to watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Not sure where to start? How about checking out the short 5 episode series on The Eucharist This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.

Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through their Catholic faith.  They create beautiful and accessible resources, products, and experiences to deepen prayer and foster community, both online and in person.  

Founded in 2013, The Catholic Gentleman has become one of the most recognizable online men’s apostolate. Each week hundreds of thousands of men around the world visit our site for the insightful articles and the highest-quality products designed to encourage a life of authentic manhood. Their mission: To inspire men to holiness

Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.  Get it all—for FREE – at

Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus? Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian. 
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.

Matt Fradd’s Pints with Aquinas is an online Catholic community of faith and truth… and maybe a pint or two. Check it out for long-form discussions, healthy debates, and teachings on the Catholic faith.


If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact the parish office at 630-851-3444 or

Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography?   Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas about strengthening our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity.  All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life, email us at to find out more information on when and where we meet or call 331-684-7415. Check out the website for FAQs and further details. Be encouraged; check out this Testimony.

Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.  Please see this infographic to be informed on how we are walking with Moms in need. Connect with Lydia Schmitt for further questions at