Eucharist Resources

Took. Blessed. Broke. Gave.

As we spend time with Jesus in these most pivotal days, Father Michael invites us to contemplate what it means for the Lord to take you, to bless you, to break you, and to give you to others. Hear how Jesus won Father Michael over in the same manner by taking him, blessing him, and especially breaking him. May Father Michael’s encounter, just like the apostles’ encounter with Jesus, move us to go deeper into stepping into our identity as Eucharistic People.

Blind Expectations

It’s amazing that everyone who met Jesus didn’t immediately fall at His feet and worship Him. His divinity was hidden in ordinary human flesh. Why then should we expect anything different with the Eucharist? Listen as we grow to see that God’s hiddenness in the Eucharist is utterly consistent with who God is!

Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist?
There’s a very special way that God comes close to us in the Eucharist. The Catechism tells us that Jesus’ Eucharist presence is “real” because he is fully and totally present to us.

“Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist” by Dr. Brant Pitre

1 hour Audio Talk by Dr. Brant Pitre

The Jewish Roots of Catholic Mass
Bread, wine, and the temple all have deep context to the Jews of Jesus’ time. And Jesus used these elements to institute the Eucharist. In the Mass, our worship of God finds its fullness and fulfillment.

1 Hour Audio Talk by Dr. Scott Hahn

“The Eucharist” by Bishop Robert Barron

How the Eucharist is “food for the journey”
How are we sustained in a “super-abundant way” through our spiritual journey and adventure of life? The Eucharist.

Formed Eucharist Series “Presence, The Mystery of the Eucharist”

Eucharistic Adoration
at Our Lady of Mercy

The Lord is pursuing us at every moment of every single day. He wants us to ‘wastetime with Him before the Blessed Sacrament.  Please consider spending one hour each week with Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament by signing up for Eucharistic Adoration.

How God is with us in the Eucharist
Through the sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus gives us himself in a radical way.

Formed Lectio: Eucharist with Dr. Brant Pitre

Formed The Eucharist for Little Children