
The entire Christian life springs forth as a new life in Christ through Baptism

(CCC 1254)

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were buried, therefore, with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” Romans 6:3-4



Jesus was baptized and taught his Apostles to do likewise. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. We become members of the Body of Christ as we are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.

Adult Baptisms

For more information about receiving baptism as an adult (ages 18 and up), check out our OCIA page. 

Older Child and Youth Baptisms

For more information about receiving baptism for children and youths (ages 7 – 17), check out our OCIC page. 

Having your Child Baptized at Our Lady of Mercy

We can’t wait to welcome your child into the life of Christ and our Church through Baptism! Our Lady of Mercy regularly offers family baptisms on Saturdays and Sundays except during Lent.  To get started, check out the page below to learn about our Baptismal process and contact our staff.

Step 1

Parish Registration

Parents of the child to be baptized should be registered at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

Non-parishioners can receive a Letter of Permission from their home parish where they are registered and practicing their faith.

New to the area? Not a parishioner? Register here to become a member of Our Lady of Mercy.

Step 2

Baptismal Preparation Class

Baptismal Preparation Classes provide parents with practical guidance in raising their children in the faith and will prepare parents for the ceremony itself.

If you have attended a Baptismal Preparation Class within the last five years, you not required to attend another class.

If you attended the class at another Catholic parish within the last five years, you will be asked to provide documentation from that parish.

Step 3

Discern Godparents

Qualifications are:

Over the age of 16

One godmother and/or one godfather.

One godparent must be current on their Catholic sacraments (ie. baptism, first communion, confirmation)

The second godparent who is not current on their sacraments, or is of another Christian faith denomination, is considered a Christian witness.

Additional information regarding Godparents can be downloaded here.

Step 4

Schedule a Baptism

Baptisms take place in a ceremony, usually celebrated at noon on Saturdays or 2:00pm on Sundays.


Age Specifications

Newborns through 6 years old will be baptized in a ceremony. Contact Lydia Schmitt at 331-707-5377 or send an email to

Children 7 years to 17 years will attend Family Faith Formation Classes as part of baptism preparation.

Adults seeking baptism or to complete missing Catholic sacraments can find more information on “Becoming Catholic” (OCIA).


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