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For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.

Matthew 6:21
Stewardship of treasure. Jesus, I’m Yours. Please use my financial gifts that I might bring “one more” to you.

As Christian stewards, we are called to prayerfully consider the gifts we have received from God, deciding on what to give, in advance from the “first fruits” instead of what is left over after obligations have been met. To the One who has given us everything, let us return to Him the first 10% of our income as a form of worship.

There are a variety of ways to give to Our Lady of Mercy parish. We try to provide as many options as possible so we can help you give in the way that works best for you. If you have any questions about the ways to give, please email our Business Manager Robert Gancartz at robertg@olmercy.com.

While you can mail your weekly offering to our Parish Office at 701 South Eola Road, Aurora, IL 60504, we encourage you to participate in online giving instead. We also now have text-to-give; enter desired contribution amount and text to (630)647-8105, and follow the rest of the instructions.

Making the Move. May we ask those who are giving by envelopes, to please consider moving to the safe and secure Online Giving platform.  In doing so, you will help us immensely in the following ways:
1) we can save $9,000 per year if we eliminate sending envelopes
2) by giving electronically, it gives us a better sense of budget
3) it saves time for our staff and volunteers when donations are made online and frees them up to attend to other pressing needs.
We can assist you with making the move, please connect with us at 630-851-3444 or email us here.

We remain grateful for your generosity in supporting our parish.  Thank you so much!  Your support helps us meet the vision the Holy Spirit has placed upon our parish which is to offer every person a life-changing encounter with Jesus, grow disciples and send them on mission.  

Online Giving Portal

Our online giving portal is offered for those wishing to have the convenience of supporting God’s ministry in their own parish and around the world.
The site is secure and allows you to support God’s work from anywhere you have an internet connection.


When you sign up for envelopes, you’ll be sent a package with envelopes for each week of the year, as well as special envelopes with additional collections during the year. The money you give can be tracked during the year for a tax receipt as well, which is a nice bonus for supporting the mission.


You can always give with cash in person on the weekend.

Corporate Matching

Matching gifts are when companies match donations that their employees make to charities. When an employee makes a charitable donation, they’ll request a matching gift from their employer, who then makes their own donation. Companies usually make a donation on a 1:1 ratio, but some will double, triple, or even quadruple your donation. Please email our Business Manager Robert Gancartz at robertg@olmercy.com.

Stock & Mutual Funds, Legacy Giving, and More

If you want to include the parish in your will, or if you want to give stock as a gift to the parish, please email our Business Manager Robert Gancartz at robertg@olmercy.com.

Brick Pavers

The walkway to the main door at Our Lady of Mercy contains many memorial paving stones, but there is room for many more.
Engraved pavers are available for $200 by contacting the Parish Office or by filling out the form below.
Buy a brick to help build our walkway & memorialize:

  • yourself
  • your family
  • a special date
  • your graduate
  • a loved one
  • an organization

No political or racial content will be allowed. Our Lady of Mercy reserves the right to refuse any message.

CMAA Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal

Click the image below to learn more.

Thank you for choosing to give to your church and enabling us to help many lives through your gift!