Our parish takes pride in beautiful liturgies that help us turn toward God.
This takes coordinated planning, practice and participation.
To become the behind-the-scenes person that makes everything in our beautiful Church run smoothly, contact the parish office at (630) 851-3444.
Altar Servers
Youth grades 5 through high school assist the priest during liturgies. Practical training is provided as well as study of the following training video.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Assist in distributing communion at weekend Masses and special liturgies. Training is provided. Must be 16 years of age, confirmed and a practicing Catholic.
Proclaim the Word at weekend and special liturgies. Training is provided. Lectors prepare by meditating on the readings the week prior to their assignment. Volunteers must have good public reading skills.
Help seating worshippers, receiving offerings, distributing bulletins, and assisting the handicapped. This ministry is perfect for those who like to help things run smoothly.
Welcome parishioners and guests at weekend and seasonal liturgies. Ideal ministry for families.