
Family Faith Formation

“The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy with Jesus Christ.”     – John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae, 5

In our own time, in a world often alien and even hostile to faith, believing families are of primary importance as centers as living, radiant faith.  For this reason the Second Vatican Council, using an ancient expression, calls the family the Domestic Church (#1656, Catechism of the Catholic Church)


Families with Children: Kindergarten-Grade 5

Find out more about our family faith journeys that include Sacramental Preparation! View descriptions of SEEK, ROOT, MEND, NOURISH & WONDER here.

For more information and questions, please contact:

Office of Family Faith Formation for Kindergarten-Grade 5

Mary Jo Trapani, Director of Family Faith Formation, Kindergarten – Grade 5 | OCIC
(331) 707-5378

Karen Schwartz, Administrative Assistant
(331) 707-5369

EDGE Middle School Ministry (Grades 6-8)

Faith formation for  families with students in grades 6-8 is called EDGE.  Students can participate in EDGE Nights, social, service, retreat and leadership opportunities. Get more details here.


For more information and questions, please contact:

Office of Family Faith Formation for Grades 6-12

Adolfo and Joana Lopez |  EDGE Coordinators
(331) 707-5375

Dave Miserendino |  Director
(331) 707-5371

Karen Schwartz | Administrative Assistant
(331) 707-5369

L.I.G.H.T. Senior High Ministry (Grades 9-12)

Faith formation for families with high  school students (grades 9-12) is called L.I.G.H.T. or Living In God’s Holy Truth. It includes the CHOSEN Confirmation program, monthly  gatherings, service, social events, retreats, trips, conferences, peer  ministry and much more. Get more details here.


For more information and questions, please contact:

Office of Family Faith Formation for Grades 6-12

Dave Miserendino |  Director
(331) 707-5371

Karen Schwartz | Administrative Assistant
(331) 707-5369

REACH Ministry is Faith Formation for Individuals with DisABILITIES

Find out more about Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, Faith Buddies, and other support for our families here.

For more information and questions, please contact:

Office of Family Faith Formation for DisAbilites|Special Needs

Lydia Schmitt | Individuals with DisABILITIES Coordinator
(331) 707-5377

Baptism for Ages 7 – 17 (OCIC)

Baptism for students ages 7 – 17 is done through the OCIC program (Order of Christian Initiation for Children).
Students will be Baptized at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Find out more about at here.

For more information and questions, please contact:

Fr. Frank Pusateri, Parochial Vicar
(630) 851-3444 ext. 226

Adult Faith Formation GROW

Amazed at the work of Holy Spirit in our parish, we’re convinced that God is leading us into a time of formation, becoming missionary disciples necessary for the transformation of life and culture. Please click here for more information

Becoming Catholic (OCIA)

Adults (age 18 or older) Looking for Baptisms and Confirmations? OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) might be for you. Click here for more information.

For more information and questions, please contact:

Fr. Frank Pusateri, Parochial Vicar | OCIA and OCIC Coordinator
(630) 851-3444 ext. 226