December 13 – Third Sunday of Advent
It was previously announced that December 20 would be the last weekend that Deacon Mike Please would deacon Mass before moving to Tennessee. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it has been moved to this weekend. So, on behalf of the parish family of OLM I extend to Deacon Mike our love, support, and thanks for his diaconal ministry at Our Lady of Mercy, and we wish him well in his new position with FedEx in Tennessee. God Bless you Deacon Mike and your wife Laurie and family! Deacon Mike shares his farewell message…..
Dear OLM Family,
It is with mixed emotions that I tell you I am leaving the only parish I have known for the past almost 30 years. I’m grateful for friendships made and for service to our parish as a deacon these last 4 years. I have talked about moving out of state for quite some time, but never had I envisioned this was going to take place so quickly. I guess I should have expected the unexpected this year, as 2020 was loaded with surprises. To cap off what has been a crazy year, I found out I’ll need to go under the knife for the first time on 12/21, nothing major though. What a way to end this year! Since we just had an offer accepted on a house in Tennessee, my thoughts turn to ministry at a new parish. While I will stay connected to many of you through my phone (call, text, social media), I understand we will have to make new friends and adjust to parish life in Tennessee. Wherever I end up, the parishioners might say the new deacon talks with a Chicago accent! I’ll do my best to try to bring a taste of Chicago to Murfreesboro (Portillo’s, Giordanos). As we all navigate the many changes that take place throughout our lives, just know you will always be in my thoughts and prayers, and this is just the next chapter in my life for which I am excited to begin. Turn the page!
In Christ,
Deacon Mike