From the Pastor’s Desk

News from P.I.T. (Pastor in Training)

November 3rd | Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have you ever wondered who can be saved? The answer is found in today’s Gospel story. A rich man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life? Jesus reminds him what the commandments are, only to have the rich man say, “I’ve kept all these from my youth.” Jesus’ response is a shocking one: “One thing remains for you to do: Sell everything you possess!” This is such a radical response that the people hearing it, including his disciples, ask: “Then who can be saved?” To answer their question, a story about another rich man named Zacchaeus is told. Only this time, the person is not a righteous follower of the law, but a man who is known by all to be a “sinner.” His sin is that he is the chief tax collection, a man who has gotten rich from colluding with the hated Romans and oppressing the Jewish people. But unlike the first rich man, who asked the question about how one can gain eternal life, Zacchaeus is open to the possibility of a new life, a transformed life, a life of hospitality and generosity and “glorifying God.”

Appearances can deceive us. Everything about the first rich man suggested the utmost piety. He’d followed all the commandments from the time he was a child. He was pious to the core. Yet he lacked one thing – the willingness to change his heart, and the longing to embrace a new way of living in total trust of God. We are told that he went away sad. At the same time, everything about Zacchaeus suggested corruption and wickedness. Yet he so wanted to see Jesus, he was so on fire to discover a new approach to life, that he almost made of fool out of himself by climbing a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus even though he was very short. And after he was able to see and to hear, he climbed down and enthusiastically welcomed Jesus into his home and into his heart. In fact, he was so changed by this experience that he promised to give away half his wealth and make restitution to anyone he cheated. Here is a rich man filled with joy! This Jesus tells us, is the answer to the question “Who can be saved?” Those who have a free and generous heart; those who do not allow themselves to become consumed by their possessions. Zacchaeus was saved that day because, although he was a little man, he had a giant heart!

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

October 27th | Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Time for a reality check! Do you remember Fr. Mark’s homily this past spring on prayer and learning HOW to pray? Did you take a copy of the book “Prayer for Beginners” that was provided in the narthex that weekend? Many did….we ran out and had to order more! So, how is your prayer life going?

The story in Luke’s gospel today invites us to examine our prayer by comparing the prayer of the two men praying at the temple. Both leave the temple and probably looked the same to anyone going into the temple. One man, the tax collector, left a changed person in right relationship with God. The other, the Pharisee was not. He aimed his prayer at himself and his accomplishments rather than in awe, humility, and gratitude toward God. Yet in the eyes of his contemporaries, the Pharisee would have been considered an exemplary spiritual model. Tax collects on the other hand, were considered suspect, dishonest, thieving people, the least respected of society. Everything the Pharisee said in his prayer was true. He fasted twice a week while only one day a year was required by the law. He tithed on everything he owned. The law required a tithe only of the produce of crops and flocks. When we examine the Pharisee’s pious self-assurance through the lens of the Good News of Jesus, we can see that he missed the mark first by being so sure of his own merits and achievements, and second by failing to credit God, the source of his blessings. The tax collector did recognize God as the source of all good and asked only for God’s compassion and forgiveness.

Authentic prayer produces change – not in God, but in ourselves. Raymond Brown, an eminent Scripture scholar, once said that if no change occurs as a result of prayer, then one has not really prayed. Today, as we leave this Eucharistic celebration, we will each look pretty much the same as we looked coming in. The change in us, precipitated by our prayer, will become obvious in the coming week with its ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and frustrations. Whether or not we have experienced change as a result of our prayer, and whether or not that change can be sustained, will depend upon the renewing power of our daily prayer and daily service of others.

Have a Blessed Week!

Fr Don

October 20th | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I am away this weekend on my fall vacation to…….you guessed it! I am in beautiful Sonoma County California tasting new altar wines and visiting friends. My 10-day visit also gives Fr. Sean Rogers the pastor and only priest at St. John the Baptist Church in Healdsburg the opportunity to get away for a break, as I will celebrate the weekday and weekend Masses while I am there. This vacation is also kind of a “last fling” for gastronomical delights. When I get back from vacation, I need to embrace some major lifestyle changes in my eating and activity habits. Prior to leaving on vacation, I had my annual physical. My doctor was not happy with my weight and results of some of my blood tests. By AMA standards, I am morbidly obese! Five years ago, I wore 38-inch waist pants. Today it is 46! My doctor said he would like to see me live to reach my retirement in 2022, and many years beyond to enjoy it. I would too! When you visit a zoo, there are signs all over that read “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.” I am going to have a sign made “Please Do Not Feed the Pastor!” So, bye-bye to sweets (cake, pie, cookies, candy, flan, concha, anything with added sugar), no fried foods (chips, egg rolls, French fries, etc.), no foods high in sodium (hot dogs, pizza, bacon, sausage, sandwiches, soup and the list goes on), no carbonated beverages. Three years ago, I had a kidney removed and my protein intake needs to be less, so no dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream) and because of having acid reflux, I should avoid tomatoes, garlic and anything with high acid content. Sounds like I should become a vegan, huh? NO WAY!! I could do vegetarian. I have in the past for short periods. However, the absolute hardest thing for me to cut out of my diet will be bread – ALL bread! And of course, no more McDonald’s, White Castle, etc. Thankfully, my doctor said wine “in moderation” is fine.

The second to address is my lack of exercise. Walking Chardonnay twice daily is not really exercise. She is part hound, and hounds stop every 10 feet to sniff. Fit Shepherds?? Don’t want to embarrass myself. Bike riding? Winter is upon us. I have a membership to the gym across the parking lot, but for the last two years, I’ve been basically making a monthly donation to the Fox Valley Park District!

So, I need your prayers to get motivated and I need your help by not tempting me with your home-made goodies or store bought treats! DON’T FEED THE PASTOR!!

Have a Blessed Week!

Fr Don

October 13th | Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is MercyFest weekend! A time to gather family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy the company of each other and thank God for the gift of our parish, friendship and camaraderie while enjoying food, fun, games and rides provided by Alpine Amusement of Naperville. In the early years of MercyFest, the goal was to raise money for paying down the debt on the church and PLC. We still owe slightly under one million on the PLC, but now the primary goal of MercyFest is building community and bringing parishioners and neighbors together – and just having fun! We even see MercyFest as an evangelization tool! Saturday evening from 7:00pm to 10:00pm is “Light the Night” in church with Eucharistic Adoration and prayer teams. We are out on the grounds with an ALPHA booth and invites!

If we do make some money, that is great! We will donate half to Hesed House and use the rest for purchasing energy efficient lighting for the gym. With profits from the last two years, we were able to purchase new sound equipment for the church and new padding for the kneelers in church.

If you have not been to MercyFest yet, it is not too late. Saturday MercyFest is open from Noon to 10:00pm. Sunday, MercyFest opens following the 10:45am Mass celebrated by our former and retired pastor, Fr. Hugh Fullmer, and closes around 8:00/8:30pm. Do not miss the “All U Can Eat Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner” on Sunday from 4:00pm to 7:00pm!

We extend our special thanks to all our sponsors this year. Event Sponsor: Napleton’s Valley Hyundai; Platinum Sponsor: Builders Commercial Asphalt Plants; Premiere Sponsors: Klein Construction, Valley View Dental, and Lisa Byrne of Baird & Warner. Your support is deeply appreciated!

I will recognize the MercyFest chair and committee chairs in a future article when I give a report on our success of this year’s MercyFest. In the meantime, come out if you have not, and thanks to all our parishioners and guests who have supported this year’s MercyFest by your presence, volunteering and donations.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don

October 6th | Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The month of October is Respect Life Month. I want to thank all those who participated the 40 Days for Life 24 hour prayer vigil held outside Planned Parenthood. The prayer vigil is from September 25 through November 3. Our Lady of Mercy Parish committed to having parishioners pray at the Planned Parenthood facility on Friday, October 4 for a 24-hour period, praying for aborted children and the end to abortion. So thanks again to everyone who participated, especially in those late night and early morning hours! Thanks to our OLM Pro-Life Committee for organizing our day of prayer.

During respect life month, our bishops call us to understand, value, and help cultivate respect for human life in its entire dimension – from the womb to the tomb. Bishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City, who is chair of the U.S. Bishop’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities writes to all Catholics: “As Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do to build a culture of life on a daily basis. Your efforts on behalf of the unborn, the dying, the elderly, the imprisoned, the poor and so many others have a profound impact, both now and in the life to come…While there may be opportunities for decisive political action, we know that to build a true culture of life, we must seek to change hearts and minds. And your witness is essential.”

In addition, the month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de la Roch, Mary appeared to St. Dominic in 1206 after he had been praying and doing severe penances because of his lack of success in combating the Albigensian heresy. Mary praised him for his valiant fight against the heretics and then gave him the Rosary as a mighty weapon, explained its uses and efficacy, and told him to preach it to others. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7.

Fr. Mark and I request your prayers for us, and all the priests of our diocese, as we will be gone from the afternoon of October 7 to the afternoon of October 10 attending the Joliet Priest Convocation in St. Charles.

Have a blessed week!

Fr Don