We welcome two new music ensembles who will be leading us in our Sunday worship once a month at our 10:45AM Mass. A newly formed OLM Youth Choir for children grades 3 through 8 made their debut two weeks ago. A newly formed adult ensemble Mercy Players made their debut last weekend. Any children in grades 3 – 8 who would like to join the OLM Y outh Choir are welcome to contact Carrie Nadziejko at cbeelner@msn.com. Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays when RE is in session from 6:00 to 6:30PM. Anyone interested in being a part of the Mercy Players should contact our Director of Music Ministries, Frank Sauter at franks@olmercy.com to set up an audition. Our Adult Choir, which sings weekly at the 9:00AM Mass would like to welcome new members! Rehearsals are on Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM. Contact Frank if you would like to join. We are always open to and encourage our parishioners with musical gifts and talents to praise God by sharing them with our parish community. We are still in need of someone to take leadership for forming and conducting a teen ensemble/choir to play once or twice a month at the 5:30PM Mass on Sunday. If there is anyone out there with that talent and desire, please contact Frank Sauter. Lastly, regarding music…..all our choirs and musical ensembles are not to take place of the congregation singing! Yes, choirs and ensembles at times can sing a meditation or solo piece, but their role is to lead and enhance the congregation in singing. You folks out in the congregation…..if God gave you a rotten voice – give it back! Pick up the red hymnal and sing anyway!! Those who sing pray twice!!
Advent is only three Sunday’s away followed by the Christmas season. Questions often arise about the placement of the Advent wreath and nativity scene. We follow the liturgical directives of the Church for the placement of the advent wreath and the nativity scene. While the Advent wreath may be placed in the sanctuary, the directives for the nativity scene state that: “If the nativity scene is set up in the church, it must not be placed in the sanctuary.” In our church, the sanctuary is the entire elevated platform and steps that are tiled on which are placed the Altar, Ambo, Presider’s and Deacon’s chairs. That is why our nativity scene was set up in the narthex last year and will be again this Christmas. Have a blessed week!
Fr Don