Q&A with the Fathers

First of all, the video… Fantastically fun and the only reason I’d say don’t quit your day jobs is because you are both too valuable to us! But you both might have a side job in bro-mance comedies!
Q1: Fr. Don how’d your knees and hips hold out? Did they hurt the next day? (You can definitely do more pushups than I can!)
Q2, 2 parts: Might be the most asked but who came up with the idea and who wrote the “script” ? we’re ready for a sequel!
Thank you all! – Michelle Toschak

> Hi Fr. Don and Fr. Mark – Thanks so much for having this Q&A session. It is a really needed boost for all of us who are watching and listening.
> I have a question for you Fr. Mark:
> When you say daily Mass I can’t help but notice that you pray some (? personal) prayers during the Consecration AND Communion. I have never  been aware of those words having been said prior to these audiovisual Masses.  I try to listen closely each day and I am humbled by what I hear you pray.
>Are they your personal prayers or are they prayed by all priests? Thanks again to you both! – Betsy Ludwig

We know how Father Mark feels about Chardonnay but does he like the Easter Bunny?
Happy Holy Week – Brian

Father Mark, what have you been doing with your downtime? Are you partaking in Exodus 40 over this Lenten season? If you need a great podcast to listen to I recommend The Fight That Matters hosted by John Scott (Ex NHL and Blackhawks player) and features Fr. Jarvis from the Traverse City area – James M

If the weather is good can we have mass outside taking into consideration the social distancing order? – James W

Is there a plan to provide Hesed House with food this week? And if so how do we it.  What is the best way that we can help those who have just lost their jobs and are in need? – Brian C

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? – Pacheco family

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? – Pacheco family

What would you sing at Karaoke night? – Pacheco family

What are your hobbies? – Pacheco family

Where do you see yourself in five years? – Pacheco family

If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? – Pacheco family

Is it possible to go to confession and receive Eucharist by appointment? – Beata P

What is his high game this year bowling? – Dan P

Fr Mark, how does it feel to be an “Internet Sensation”?  Thank you for keeping us connected to our Church and our Lord!! – Phil Z

Who is Father Mark’s favorite Fit Shepherd? – Joe S

How many times has John Tan been to White Castle with Father Don? – Joe S

Who is your favorite staff member under the age of 35? – signed anonymous


Q&A with the Fathers:
1. Is there another type of communal prayer scheduled for the parishioners staying at home: rosary, novena, etc.?
2. In addition to the online giving, are there other ways we can support the church like virtual volunteering?
3. Do you plan to continue the mass live stream when the church reopens? Our brothers and sisters with disabilities or the home bound could benefit from this virtual spiritual community.

That is a wonderful idea of the Q & A time after Mass tomorrow.  I tried to submit where it said submit here and it wouldn’t let me post.  I have 2 questions that I’m sure many in the parish have.

  1. Traditionally OLM prepares food for Hesed House the First Tuesday of each month.  Do we have a backup plan for feeding the people of Hesed House?
  2. The 2nd question deals with OLM’s First Friday prayer commitment to pray outside of Planned Parenthood. – 40 Days for Life the Spring session has been suspended but Planned Parenthood is still open and doing abortions.  Waterleaf has as of last  Friday planning on staying open as long as Planned Parenthood is open.  Ann Marie Cronin has asked for our prayers for an increase of nurses able to help at Waterleaf.  Currently only 4 of the 20 nurses are able to work at Waterleaf because of the Coronvirus.  Masses are suspended at Waterleaf.  Eric Scheidler and the Pro Life Action League still have the Sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors going out to save the babies and families from the lifelong pain of abortion .  Currently just the women going in for the abortion are allowed inside, all others have to stay in their cars.    Eric believes that because of the corona virus there will be MORE women looking for abortion as their only option.  Prayer request for healthy men and women to go out and pray at PP this coming Friday and future First Fridays as well.  I am not able to go out to PP anymore, I am one of those high risk seniors.

Thank you for all that you are doing to keep the spirit of Christ in our hearts.  I did something that I said I would never do and that was to sign up for Face book.  I did it for the live Masses!  It is what keeps me going and going out and spreading the good news of Christ to others without actually going out. – Marie S

Wondering if either father Don or father Mark would care to comment on the church pastor near Baton Rouge, Louisiana who we’ve seen on TV lately holding Sunday services for over 1000 people at his church despite the social distancing directives that our diocese and very many others are observing across the country. -Jim S

Please ask them to explain what it means to receive the Plenary Indulgence given through the “Urbi et Orbi” blessing by the Pope on Friday. Also how do you offer up this blessing for a deceased family member?
Also thank them & all the staff, including yourself, for all the videos & messages which are keeping us connected to our church & God during this time. – Sue C