The OLM PADS/Hesed House Ministry expresses our deep gratitude to all who supported with their time, talent or treasure to ensure a successful Fourth of July service day. May the Father who sees your good works, reward you tenfold.
The PADS Board for our service day in August, is now on display in the Atrium (Door B Entrance). The board contains a “wishlist” of items used to prepare meals for 250 guests at the Hesed House homeless shelter, on the first Tuesday of each month.
Drop-off for all items are before all Masses on the weekend of July 29th and 30th, 2023. Monetary donations can be made via the OLM Online Giving Portal (please specify donation is for Hesed House), or make checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy Church, and write on the memo “Hesed House-PADS”. Thank you for supporting our mission of mercy.
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