January 12, 2022 7:00 pm

Be a Part of the Synodal Church
In October 2021, Pope Francis has called the Church – you, me, Bishop Hicks, in other words, all the baptized into Synod, with the theme “For a Synodal Church –Communion/Participation/Mission” into a global “listening tour.”
He also invites the world – believers, non-believers, the marginalized, the poor, the disenfranchised – to participate and talk about how the Church is living out its communion, participation, and mission. The aim of the Synod is to discern how we are “living the faith” and how, we as a Church, are achieving this together.

We look forward to your participation; come and help build up the body of Christ by taking part in one of the following 4 ways.
1. Fill out the online questionnaire or
2. Fill out a paper questionnaire at the Mass times on Jan 15-16
3. Participate in one of the following in-person listening sessions (please register ahead of time)
Saturday, February 5th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm or
Monday, February 7th from 9:00am to 11:00am or
Tuesday, February 8th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (this Tuesday listening session has an online Zoom counterpart)
4. Please don’t forget to invite others, a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, someone you know who is from a different faith.

Details and registration are found https://olmercy.com/synod/

Here are shareable links
Read here https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch
For audio-only listen here https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch-Audio
Comment with our Facebook community https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch-FB
Watch on YouTube here https://youtu.be/osN7ztDtnME

Sunday’s Readings https://bit.ly/BaptismoftheLordReadings
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 | Acts 10:34-38 | Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
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Be a Part of the Synodal Church
In October 2021, Pope Francis has called the Church – you, me, Bishop Hicks, in other words, all the baptized into Synod, with the theme “For a Synodal Church –Communion/Participation/Mission” into a global “listening tour.”
He also invites the world – believers, non-believers, the marginalized, the poor, the disenfranchised – to participate and talk about how the Church is living out its communion, participation, and mission. The aim of the Synod is to discern how we are “living the faith” and how, we as a Church, are achieving this together.

We look forward to your participation; come and help build up the body of Christ by taking part in one of the following 4 ways.
1. Fill out the online questionnaire or
2. Fill out a paper questionnaire at the Mass times on Jan 15-16
3. Participate in one of the following in-person listening sessions (please register ahead of time)
Saturday, February 5th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm or
Monday, February 7th from 9:00am to 11:00am or
Tuesday, February 8th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (this Tuesday listening session has an online Zoom counterpart)
4. Please don’t forget to invite others, a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, someone you know who is from a different faith.

Details and registration are found https://olmercy.com/synod/

Here are shareable links
Read here https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch
For audio-only listen here https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch-Audio
Comment with our Facebook community https://bit.ly/BeaPartoftheSynodalChurch-FB
Watch on YouTube here https://youtu.be/osN7ztDtnME

Sunday’s Readings https://bit.ly/BaptismoftheLordReadings
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 | Acts 10:34-38 | Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
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