November 20, 2021 10:34 pm

It’s the Weekly Update OR — King of Kings. Christmas with The Chosen Movie @ Our Lady of Mercy.
Praise forever to the King of Kings!

After honoring our dead and hearing this month of the apocalypse (“unveiling”) and end times, this November Sunday closes the Church’s liturgical year with the great feast of “Christ the King.”

Pontius Pilate, and all the political rulers throughout history, have limited power. But we profess faith and loyalty to a King who is truly just, merciful, fatherly, and loving to the point of death. The ancestor of King David, Jesus, fulfilled every prophecy of the Old Testament and desires for us to spread this Good News until His Kingdom might finally be established here on earth.

Jesus declares in our Gospel reading:
“For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18)

To prepare our hearts before we go to Holy Mass this weekend, hear Bishop Barron’s thoughts on the divine kingship of Jesus on the video in the Flocknote email.

We look forward to seeing you at any of the Holy Mass times this weekend where Father Don will be preaching. Don’t forget to stop by to visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or at daily Mass during the week.

Questions for Additional Reflection:
Is Jesus just a part of your life, or is he at the CENTER of your life? How can you celebrate joyfully the Kingship of Christ this week? Praise our King of Kings, reflect and sing to Him with this song

“He who prays for the coming of God’s kingdom prays rightly to have it first within himself.” -Origen, priest and Church Father
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It’s the Weekly Update OR — King of Kings. Christmas with The Chosen Movie @ Our Lady of Mercy.
Praise forever to the King of Kings!

After honoring our dead and hearing this month of the apocalypse (“unveiling”) and end times, this November Sunday closes the Church’s liturgical year with the great feast of “Christ the King.”

Pontius Pilate, and all the political rulers throughout history, have limited power. But we profess faith and loyalty to a King who is truly just, merciful, fatherly, and loving to the point of death. The ancestor of King David, Jesus, fulfilled every prophecy of the Old Testament and desires for us to spread this Good News until His Kingdom might finally be established here on earth.

Jesus declares in our Gospel reading:
“For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18)

To prepare our hearts before we go to Holy Mass this weekend, hear Bishop Barron’s thoughts on the divine kingship of Jesus on the video in the Flocknote email.

We look forward to seeing you at any of the Holy Mass times this weekend where Father Don will be preaching. Don’t forget to stop by to visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or at daily Mass during the week.

Questions for Additional Reflection:
Is Jesus just a part of your life, or is he at the CENTER of your life? How can you celebrate joyfully the Kingship of Christ this week? Praise our King of Kings, reflect and sing to Him with this song

“He who prays for the coming of God’s kingdom prays rightly to have it first within himself.” -Origen, priest and Church Father
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