September 14, 2021 8:00 pm

All because I said yes (reluctantly) to my good friend Bob

How does one go from leaving God behind after college, never stepping foot inside a church, never thinking about Jesus or God or the Holy Spirit to a life-changing encounter with Jesus?

Meet Joe Glasgow, listen to how his hesitation to go to Alpha and his respectful response to his friend Bob Maxwell’s invitation to Alpha turned into a gift that change his life.

Who will you invite to or bring with you to Alpha this season? Never underestimate what a massive impact a simple invitation can achieve.

Sign up and details at this link

In-Person Alpha starting September 16th and Virtual Alpha starting on September 15th
(In-person Alpha is for everyone including, Spanish, Young adults, RCIA, and Families)
Here are shareable links
For audio-only link
Watch on YouTube here
Comment with our Facebook community
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All because I said yes (reluctantly) to my good friend Bob

How does one go from leaving God behind after college, never stepping foot inside a church, never thinking about Jesus or God or the Holy Spirit to a life-changing encounter with Jesus?

Meet Joe Glasgow, listen to how his hesitation to go to Alpha and his respectful response to his friend Bob Maxwell’s invitation to Alpha turned into a gift that change his life.

Who will you invite to or bring with you to Alpha this season? Never underestimate what a massive impact a simple invitation can achieve.

Sign up and details at this link

In-Person Alpha starting September 16th and Virtual Alpha starting on September 15th
(In-person Alpha is for everyone including, Spanish, Young adults, RCIA, and Families)
Here are shareable links
For audio-only link
Watch on YouTube here
Comment with our Facebook community
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