. . . .It is Holy Thursday, we enter into the mystery of the Triduum, three days liturgically celebrated as one; these are the days that changed the world. Enter center stage with us in the Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ 7pm followed immediately with Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament & Night Prayer.
For on this night, our Lord Jesus was at work giving us three gifts by which He would remain with us always; Jesus gave us the gift of the priesthood of the new covenant, the gift of the Eucharist, and the gift of His example of Love.
Links to the live feed are both on our website, YouTube, and Facebook. While it is streamed live on Facebook, you do not need a Facebook account to view the live feed on there.
MEDITATION OF THE DAY Jesus “loved his own in the world, and he loved them to the end.” The Paschal Mystery into which we enter this evening is the fulfilment of Christ’s mission to “reveal the mystery of the Father and his love” for us (Gaudium et Spes 22). In the Old Testament, the climactic revelation of God’s love was in Israel’s exodus from Egypt, remembered at the Passover supper. Jesus gives us a new and eternal covenant, instituting an eternal priesthood and leading us to an eternal exodus from sin. The Mass—in which the mystery of Christ’s Passion is made present—is the continual outpouring of his merciful love. In it, this evening and always, Jesus loves us to the end.
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