December 15, 2020 4:00 pm

MAGNIFY tomorrow @ 7pm [Sign-in ahead of time here or at the door]
Any chance you’re struggling to stay connected with God in these times?
Or have you had a chance to prepare your heart for Christmas; for Jesus to be born anew in you?

Whether you haven’t or have, one of the most powerful ways we can make the way for Jesus to come back into our lives and to prepare ourselves for Christmas is to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration of Praise with Him.

You may be wondering why…. It’s because it is in praise to God that we move away from fixating on the idea of God to the experience of God… it is hymns of praise that move the heart most and help lead us into a personal encounter with Jesus. Praising God is also one of the most valuable ways that we can deepen our faith and strengthen our hope.

We hope you can carve out some time in the Presence of our Lord in Adoration, and share that experience with others. Invite them to experience the gift of Jesus’ Love; it’s like Christmas every day of the year. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Jesus loves the little children so please bring them with you as well (Mark 10:14)

As we wait for Jesus in these days of Advent, we want to make a straight path in our lives and in our hearts, consider going to Confession at Magnify.

Come and join Father James as he leads us in adoring Jesus, accompanied by Josh Goodman. Father James will be hearing Confessions up until sometime before Benediction after he leads us in a scriptural reflection.
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MAGNIFY tomorrow @ 7pm [Sign-in ahead of time here or at the door]
Any chance you’re struggling to stay connected with God in these times?
Or have you had a chance to prepare your heart for Christmas; for Jesus to be born anew in you?

Whether you haven’t or have, one of the most powerful ways we can make the way for Jesus to come back into our lives and to prepare ourselves for Christmas is to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration of Praise with Him.

You may be wondering why…. It’s because it is in praise to God that we move away from fixating on the idea of God to the experience of God… it is hymns of praise that move the heart most and help lead us into a personal encounter with Jesus. Praising God is also one of the most valuable ways that we can deepen our faith and strengthen our hope.

We hope you can carve out some time in the Presence of our Lord in Adoration, and share that experience with others. Invite them to experience the gift of Jesus’ Love; it’s like Christmas every day of the year. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Jesus loves the little children so please bring them with you as well (Mark 10:14)

As we wait for Jesus in these days of Advent, we want to make a straight path in our lives and in our hearts, consider going to Confession at Magnify.

Come and join Father James as he leads us in adoring Jesus, accompanied by Josh Goodman. Father James will be hearing Confessions up until sometime before Benediction after he leads us in a scriptural reflection.
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