November 29, 2020 1:30 pm

Good morning and Happy 1st Sunday of Advent! We hope you’ll be joining us for Mass today either at any of the in-person Masses or the 10am livestream. Don’t forget to pick up any of the Advent materials after Mass or sign-up for any of the online resources listed on the weekly update

_The livestream of the Mass is courtesy of the CRHP Christ Renews His Parish ministry. Thank you so much.

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy.

_Make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide
Gathering Song: Creator of the Stars of Night (vss. 1, 2, & 6) #405
Presentation: O Come, O Come Emmanuel #386
Communion: Eye Has Not Seen #713
Sending Song: Prepare the Way of the Lord #389

_Tune in to the livestream at the following. This is a wonderful opportunity to share our faith with one another and family and friends from afar.

Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708
Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
—Psalm 80:2
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Good morning and Happy 1st Sunday of Advent! We hope you’ll be joining us for Mass today either at any of the in-person Masses or the 10am livestream. Don’t forget to pick up any of the Advent materials after Mass or sign-up for any of the online resources listed on the weekly update

_The livestream of the Mass is courtesy of the CRHP Christ Renews His Parish ministry. Thank you so much.

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy.

_Make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide
Gathering Song: Creator of the Stars of Night (vss. 1, 2, & 6) #405
Presentation: O Come, O Come Emmanuel #386
Communion: Eye Has Not Seen #713
Sending Song: Prepare the Way of the Lord #389

_Tune in to the livestream at the following. This is a wonderful opportunity to share our faith with one another and family and friends from afar.

Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708
Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
—Psalm 80:2
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