September 7, 2020 4:16 pm

Persons not Machines
Is work good or bad? What’s its purpose? How should we approach our jobs? Popes like Leo XIII (Rerum Novarum) and St John Paul II (Centisimus Annus) have written on the effects of the industrial revolution and how we are to understand work and the worker. Listen today as Father James explains a Catholic and Biblical understanding of the dignity of work and the worker!
Have a wonderful Labor Day.
As a reminder, there is no Eucharistic Adoration or Spanish Mass today.
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Persons not Machines
Is work good or bad? What’s its purpose? How should we approach our jobs? Popes like Leo XIII (Rerum Novarum) and St John Paul II (Centisimus Annus) have written on the effects of the industrial revolution and how we are to understand work and the worker. Listen today as Father James explains a Catholic and Biblical understanding of the dignity of work and the worker!
Have a wonderful Labor Day.
As a reminder, there is no Eucharistic Adoration or Spanish Mass today.
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