August 23, 2020 12:30 pm

Good morning, please join us as we worship the Lord our God and rejoice in the gift of His love on this 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time either in-person at the Mass times today or at the livestream.

_At the livestream of the Mass is our new deacon, Deacon Tony Leazzo who was ordained to the permanent diaconate by Bishop Pates yesterday. Let us say say a special prayer for him and in thanksgiving for the gift of his life to the church, may he bring the hope of the Lord everywhere he goes. Congratulations Deacon Tony!

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy.

_Make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide
Gathering Song: As We Gather at Your Table #831
Presentation: Center of My Life #678
Communion: Life-Giving Bread, Saving Cup #956
Sending Song: Christ Is the King! #568

_Tune in to the livestream at

Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708
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Good morning, please join us as we worship the Lord our God and rejoice in the gift of His love on this 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time either in-person at the Mass times today or at the livestream.

_At the livestream of the Mass is our new deacon, Deacon Tony Leazzo who was ordained to the permanent diaconate by Bishop Pates yesterday. Let us say say a special prayer for him and in thanksgiving for the gift of his life to the church, may he bring the hope of the Lord everywhere he goes. Congratulations Deacon Tony!

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Mercy.

_Make an act of Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide
Gathering Song: As We Gather at Your Table #831
Presentation: Center of My Life #678
Communion: Life-Giving Bread, Saving Cup #956
Sending Song: Christ Is the King! #568

_Tune in to the livestream at

Streaming and copyright license is through One License #730922-A and CCLI #20486708
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