June 28, 2020 2:08 pm

It’s the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time and Father Mark’s last weekend with us.

_ The live stream of this Mass is courtesy of Carl & Paulette Berg with a prayer from the Fit Shepherds; thank you so much.

_Mass Guide https://bit.ly/2RNnJFe

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. https://bit.ly/33zLmGf

_Spiritual Communion Prayer https://bit.ly/2JornB8

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide https://bit.ly/2ATx5ub
Gathering Song: Here I Am, Lord #783
Presentation: As a Fire is Meant for Burning #734
Communion: Jesus, Ever-Flowing Fountain #933
Sending Song: Take Up Your Cross #761

_Tune in to the livestream at

Streaming and copyright license is through One License.
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It’s the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time and Father Mark’s last weekend with us.

_ The live stream of this Mass is courtesy of Carl & Paulette Berg with a prayer from the Fit Shepherds; thank you so much.

_Mass Guide https://bit.ly/2RNnJFe

_For those who are able, the offertory can be made through our secure online platform located here. https://bit.ly/33zLmGf

_Spiritual Communion Prayer https://bit.ly/2JornB8

_Please see the following songs for today, enclosed is the music guide https://bit.ly/2ATx5ub
Gathering Song: Here I Am, Lord #783
Presentation: As a Fire is Meant for Burning #734
Communion: Jesus, Ever-Flowing Fountain #933
Sending Song: Take Up Your Cross #761

_Tune in to the livestream at

Streaming and copyright license is through One License.
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