May 10, 2020 1:42 pm

Happy Mother’s Day! See you soon, let us know where you’re tuning in from, we’d love to acknowledge you.

_ The live stream of this Mass is courtesy of the Schettek Family in loving memory of Sharon Schettek; thank you so much.

_Mass Guide

_We would be most grateful for your assistance in helping us bring the live stream feeds to you, please consider giving through our secure online platform located here.

_Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today
Gathering Song: Sing a New Song #600
Presentation: Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels #701
Communion: I Received the Living God #923
Sending: Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! #498

Happy Mother’s Day! See you soon, let us know where you’re tuning in from, we’d love to acknowledge you.

_ The live stream of this Mass is courtesy of the Schettek Family in loving memory of Sharon Schettek; thank you so much.

_Mass Guide

_We would be most grateful for your assistance in helping us bring the live stream feeds to you, please consider giving through our secure online platform located here.

_Spiritual Communion Prayer

_Please see the following songs for today
Gathering Song: Sing a New Song #600
Presentation: Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels #701
Communion: I Received the Living God #923
Sending: Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! #498