In the stillness of this solemn Holy Saturday morning, we are in the midst of the mystery of the Triduum, waiting at the Lord’s tomb in prayer as He makes the descent into Hell; holding our breathes, anticipating His Resurrection. For further reflection in the great silence of today is A Holy Saturday Ancient Homily
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Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
Good Friday Homily (summary below)
Holy Thursday Homily (summary below)
Good Friday Homily | Why Me? Why Us?
The groan of Jesus on the cross is echoed a million times every day. When we suffer, we sometimes ask, why me, why us; and God is strangely silent to our inquiries. Father Don explains that though this is a mystery, God is not silent and in fact God knows and has experienced every physical and mental torment we have ever suffered. Take a listen
Holy Thursday Homily | We’re Hurting and You’re Hurting
Father Mark explains how all Priests are hurting during this time being away from their people. Time away from the Eucharist is also causing the laity to hurt. On this Holy Thursday, where we commemorate the institution of the Priesthood and the institution of the Eucharist, Father Mark suggests that in the hurting there can be great spiritual growth and renewal. Take a listen
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