“Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, I ask that you come into my life, help me to know the Spiritual Gifts that you have given me.” –Fr Mark’s 9/30th Homily Prayer
Hello Everyone! Following up from Fr Mark’s homily where he spoke about how through our charisms, each of us has been given a unique and deeply personal call to work with our Lord and discover God’s plan for our lives, towards our calling as partners in the mission of Christ for everyone has been “called and gifted” for the sake of the world. “Imagine what OLM would look like if everyone here is using their gifts, the spiritual gifts, charisms that God has given. If everyone was eagerly pursuing their gifts.”
There are two upcoming Called & Gifted Workshops in Illinois, that help discern your charisms. We invite you to please prayerfully consider signing up.
Below are information and in case you missed Fr Mark’s homily on charisms or would like to listen to it again, the link is included as well.
We pray you respond to the invitation—help our parish be on mission mode as you discern your charisms, join several of your fellow parishioners who’ve already signed up!
Sat 11/3rd @ St. Michael Parish in Wheaton from 8:45am to 4:45pm
Sign Up via online registration https://stmichaelcommunity.churchgiving.com/ws/opportunities/CalledandGiftedWorkshop
Contact John Ellison (630)462-5045 or jellison@stmichaelcommunity.org
Sat 11/10th @ Holy Cross Parish in Deerfield from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Sign Up is via manual registration, please email zara@olmercy.com or call (331)707-5381 to sign up as group of parishioners as well as for more information regarding any of the workshops.
Fr Mark’s Charisms Homily
Charisms Brochure per Fr Mark’s Homily