Christmas With The Chosen “The Messengers” Movie Night

Born that men no more may die.

We hope to see you on Weds 12/15th @ 6:30pm for this unique and beautiful Christmas story experience.

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Kindly pay heed to this important note watching the movie inside the Church.

  • Because the movie will be shown inside the church (imagine how powerful this experience is going to be), let us remember to have hearts of reverence for our sacred space being ever mindful of the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the tabernacle.
  • Because the church is a sacred place, please refrain from bringing food or beverage items with you.

There is a Christmas cookie and hot cocoa reception following the movie!

Hear from the producer Dallas on. . . .

Why would we produce a brand new episode of The Chosen? What would be important enough for us to put our Christmas Special in theaters, the first time we’ve ever done that?

Quite simply: “Born that men no more may die.” I believe the birth of Christ to be the single greatest moment in human history, when God became one of us in the most surprising way imaginable. Humble. And He did it as an act of rescue, which makes the circumstances even more amazing.

Those circumstances are what we attempt to capture in this episode. From the heat and exhaustion of the long journey to Bethlehem to the pile of manure Joseph may have had to shovel away to prepare Mary’s “bed,” I want you to experience as much as possible what they did.

The Chosen began with a little Christmas short film I did for my church, so in many ways, we’re returning to our roots with this episode.

This is in every way an official Chosen episode, but it doesn’t require seeing the first two seasons to understand and appreciate it, so I hope you’ll invite your friends to join you at the theater.With this episode and a dozen amazing artists performing Christmas songs, I’m confident “Christmas With The Chosen” will give you a unique and impactful Christmas experience. Worth seeing in theaters, I believe.


This is the perfect opportunity to bring friends and family, including those who haven’t seen The Chosen, those who have not been to Church in a while, and those who don’t know Jesus, for a unique Christmas story experience. 

Please connect with with any questions.

See you on the 12/15th!