February 5, 2022 | Weekly Update
February 5, 2022 | Weekly Update
“Grow Disciples”
Last week Father James started a 3 part series on faith, hope, and love as a lens for better understanding our vision statement. Join us this weekend for part two as he shares about what hope is and how we can grow as Jesus’ disciples
If you missed Father James’ homily last week or would like to reflect on the first part of our vision statement to prepare to hear the second part, watch it below.
See you soon at the weekend Mass times or stop by and visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or at daily Mass during the week.
“To offer every person a life-changing encounter with Jesus, grow disciples, and send them on mission.”
—Our Lady of Mercy Vision
- One of these Five Bible Studies could be the perfect fit for you.
- On MONDAYS is the following
- Walking With Purpose Women’s Bible Study which will go through the study called “Ordering Your Priorities” an immensely practical women’s Bible Study that will help you put the most important things first.
- Bishop Barron’s “The Creed” takes you into the depths of the Nicene Creed.
- Spanish Bible Study on Ascension Press “Discovering the Mystery of the Bible”
On TUESDAYS will be the Ascension Press Bible Study “Epic: A Journey Through Church History”
And then on WEDNESDAYS is Ascension Press Bible Study “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation”
- On MONDAYS is the following
Details and registration are found on this link. Be nourished by the Word of God at any of these Bible Studies!
- Our Mission Trip 2nd collection is taking place this weekend. Please help support our high school teens on their trip. Donations are accepted online through our giving program or you may get a donation envelope in the narthex. Our teens and families thank you for your support.
- In October 2021, Pope Francis has called the Church – you, me, Bishop Hicks, in other words, all the baptized into Synod, with the theme “For a Synodal Church –Communion/Participation/Mission” into a global “listening tour.” He also invites the world – believers, non-believers, the marginalized, the poor, the disenfranchised – to participate and talk about how the Church is living out its communion, participation, and mission. The aim of the Synod is to discern how we are “living the faith” and how, we as a Church, are achieving this together.
We look forward to your participation; come and help build up the body of Christ by taking part in one of the following 4 ways.
1. Fill out this online questionnaire by Jan 30 or
2. Fill out a paper questionnaire (these forms will be available through March 3).
3. Participate in one of the following in-person listening sessions. Please register ahead of time at this link https://bit.ly/RegisterforListeningSession
Saturday, February 5th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm or
Monday, February 7th from 9:00am to 11:00am or
Tuesday, February 8th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (this Tuesday listening session has an online Zoom counterpart for those that can’t take part in person)
4. Please don’t forget to invite others, a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, someone you know who is from a different faith.____To access any of the synod information and videos such as Father Don’s homily and a conversation with him on the listening process, go to https://olmercy.com/synod/
- Need the warmth of Jesus during these cold snowy days?
Come bask in the warmth of Jesus’ love at Eucharistic Adoration on
Mondays & Thursdays 8:30am to 6pm and Wednesdays 8am to 12pm
Do you work from home? Consider taking a break and spend time with Jesus, come and share what’s weighing on your heart with Him.
- All are invited to attend the in-person St. Peregrine Prayer Service on Tuesday, February 15 in the church after the 6:30pm Mass (at 7pm) with Deacon Tony Leazzo and Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care.
- St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those experiencing cancer, serious illness, or chronic illness. Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health concerns would benefit from attending the prayer service. The relic of St. Peregrine will be present.
- The Mobile Food Pantry is on Weds Feb 19th, please note the time change of 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Don’t forget to share the Our Lady of Mercy social media posting on your network; you never know who among your network is in need of food.
- The Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet Mobile Food Pantry delivers healthy food (meat, produce, and non-perishable items) to people in need. No identification or information will be required or collected. This event is open to anyone in need of food! Mobile Food Pantries use a “drive-thru” method to distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please clear space in your trunk or backseat so volunteers can load boxes of food directly into your vehicle. Catholic Charities helps people of all faiths and beliefs. Mobile Food Pantries take place snow or shine!
- The weekends are just around the corner, come and be uplifted and strengthened at the Renewal Weekends: Men’s Renewal Weekend is on 2/19 thru 2/20. Women’s Renewal Weekend is on 2/26 thru 2/27,
- Proceed to this link for details and sign-up. We pray you sign-up soon. COVID safety notes: we follow the Diocesan Covid guidelines.
- Connect with Kevin Nemetz @ 630.301.2312 Kevin@tix4cause.com, Brian Cancio @ 847.571.6358 or Lauren Baier @ 630.267.6868 crhpolm@gmail.com for any questiions.
- Open HEARTS Ministry is the mental and emotional health and wellness ministry of the parish. If you are a mental health professional or are a champion for mental health and wellness, please consider joining the ministry. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental and emotional health concerns, there is support and resources available at Our Lady of Mercy and in the community. The next scheduled in-person gathering for the Open HEARTS Ministry is Monday, February 21 from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 218.
- Our monthly MAGNIFY adoration, praise and worship is on Weds 2/23rd @ 7pm. Save the date!
- Qualified senior citizens, aged 65 years and older are invited to apply for the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Deferral Program. The program allows participants to defer property tax payment until the property is sold. The deferral is treated as a loan and accrues 6 percent simple interest until paid. To qualify, the applicant’s household income cannot exceed $55,000. Additionally, the property must be used exclusively for residential purposes. The application period closes on March 1, 2022. For more information, contact the DuPage County Treasurer’s Office at 630-407-5900 or www.dupageco.org/treasurer. Gwen Henry, Treasurer.
- The Diocese of Joliet is accepting applications for 2022-2023 for Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grant. Please mail in your application by 3/1st.
- Qualifications and details of the application process can be found at this link.
- The Campaign for Human Development is the domestic anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Its mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through the promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through transformative education. The grants and education for justice program of the Campaign, implemented in collaboration with local dioceses, is supported by the annual collection received each November.
- Who will you bring with you to in-person Alpha on 3/3rd? Experience the Alpha culture if you have not had a chance already. Alpha isn’t just a program. It’s a tool for evangelization. We all know people who are far away from the Lord, who may be asking questions about whether or not God even exists.
- Details and registration are found at this link.
- Invitations can be intimidating, so we want to make inviting your friends and family to Alpha as easy as possible. Read some tips that can help you invite anyone in your life to join us for Alpha! You can do it! We’re praying for you https://olmercy.com/alphainvitations/
- Be loved & be fed; come and experience family, hospitality, and intentional community at Salt and Light Grow Group.
- We weren’t meant to do life alone. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life. Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples.
Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy (OLM) is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.
To follow Jesus is to commit to lifelong learning and growth. Like Jesus’ disciples, our walk with the Lord today is not one lived in isolation but rather one immersed in community and enriched by authentic friendship with others. At OLM and in the company of friends, Grow Groups provide a place of deep transformation where people can be known, loved, and cared for as they strive to deepen their friendship with Jesus and one another. - For more information, connect with Bob Maxwell our Salt and Light Grow Group Leader at bmaxwell@deltadentalil.com
- Details and registration are found at this link.
- Save the dates for our 2 day parish mission on Friday evening 3/18 from 6:30pm to 9:15pm and all day Saturday 3/19 from 9am to 8pm (catered lunch & dinner included)
- Led by Father Burke Masters, Father Steven Borello, and our very own Father James Guarascio!
Please keep an eye out for further details on the talks and registration (to help us in the materials and catering). - These past two years have been a difficult time for us and we need a place to process what we’ve been through; from a number of things from our past or from our time during the lockdown, that we had either forgotten about or had never really dealt with. With this in mind and our vision of providing ways to encounter Jesus, grow as disciples, and experience more power for mission, our parish mission this year is an Unbound Conference. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Bishop Hicks’ Monthly Column
- For January is now posted, it’s entitled “A New Year’s resolution: Re-educating ourselves on the Eucharist” read it here.
- Every Sunday at the 10am Mass is the beautiful ministry of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Do you love children and caring for them while they listen to the Gospel? Please connect with Mary Jo Trapani maryjot@olmercy.com or Jean Palasz jeanp@olmercy.com to volunteer.
- Thank you for your support of our clothing drive. Your clothing donation, as well as your financial donations throughout the year, allows us to help our parishioners and neighbors in need. In 2020 over 120 people/families were provided assistance.
- The ministry is always looking for volunteers to join our St. Vincent de Paul Society in assisting our neighbors in need. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, send an email at olmsvdp@gmail.com with your name and contact information.
- Read Father Don’s insightful weekly Bulletin article located here.
- Checking-in, A Near-Death Experience, Is cohabitation sinful? – these are just some of the items we covered at the January AMA with Father James.
- If you click on the YouTube description, it itemizes all the questions and talking points with the time stamp so you can jump ahead if you wish.
- We will be hosting Father Don at a future AMA, do you have a question for him or both of them? Submit your question here!
Don’t Get Scammed by Fake Fathers!
- Did you get an email or a text message from (a fake) Father Don this past week? Please remember, Father Don and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Don or Father James, please discard it and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.
- Please proceed herefor the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM. - There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
- How can we be praying for you today?
There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link - Prayer Ministry takes place monthly at MAGNIFY and at the last weekend of the month Mass times. Prayer ministry is an opportunity for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing or with a specific intention. Come as an individual, as a couple, or as. a family and receive prayer for yourself or request prayers for someone in need. Listen and receive the prayers while being open to the Holy Spirit’s movement. Trained prayer ministers are available.
- If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones. Or text APP to 88202 to download.
- Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
Connect with zara@olmercy.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect. Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
See what they have been up to at this video.
Mission. Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website. Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com
Check out the video to find out more about Vine and Branches
Mission. A Mother’s Heart is a group for Catholic mothers with children ages 0-11 who are seeking to journey with other like-minded women of faith. Following the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we strive to imitate her “little way” of growing in holiness through the lenses of motherhood and family.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Thursdays twice a month. For any of the following: book chats, podcast discussions, “Mom’s Night Out”, community service projects, fellowship, playgroups, prayer. Please join them and register ahead of time for this month’s gatherings with Lydia Schmit
Connect. Reach out to Lydia Schmitt lydiadschmitt@gmail.com for any questions.

Mission. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life. Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as His disciples. Grow Groups are one way Our Lady of Mercy is responding to our missionary identity where we are called to help parishioners grow continually in discipleship.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.
Learn the Biblical backing of the 20 mysteries of the rosary and get more out of this powerful prayer on February 25 – 27. Register for free here.
Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.
- Visit http://signup.formed.org/
- Enter our parish zip or name
- Enter your name and email
Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives and the great Feast of Corpus Christi.
From Augustine Institute comes this NEW & FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories. Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.
Hallow is a Catholic prayer & meditation app that helps users deepen their relationship with God through contemplative prayer and strengthen one’s mental health in the process. Easy-to-use, audio-guided sessions anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes long. Pray your own way with a personalized prayer plan pulling from 3,000+ unique sessions including the Lectio Divina on the Daily Gospel, Rosary, Examen, Night Prayer, Calm & Humility “Praylists” and much more. Hallow Light is free. Hallow Plus is $5 per month ($60 per year). Sign up for either one here.
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this linkto watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.
Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com
Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?
Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.
We’ve learned so much through the questions you asked! Thank you for submitting them. Let’s continue to learn together as Father James answers more of your questions. Watch them here or submit any questions you may have!
If you have physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health concerns or questions about end-of-life issues, funeral planning, journeying through grief, caregiving for a loved one or are homebound, please contact Jolene LeRoy RN Parish Nurse and Director of Pastoral Care for support and resources at jolenel@olmercy.com or 331-707-5380.
There will not be a gathering in December for the Open HEARTS Ministry. If you are in need of emotional or mental health support or resources, please contact Janice Hurtado Aeppli at 321-217- 7872 or at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com
Do you find yourself struggling in overcoming your battle with pornography? Restore is a weekly (anonymous) meeting where men lean on each other for support and accountability and share ideas as to how to strengthen our resolve to stay on God’s path of chastity. All men are welcome, whether you have been free of pornography addiction for many years or struggle with it every single day.
If you are ready to start breaking free from the grips of pornography and want to Restore your life email us at Restore.olm@gmail.com to find out more information on when and where we meet.