February 8, 2021 | Weekly Update
February 8, 2021 | Weekly Update
It’s National Marriage week now through Feb 14th! Check out the note on it below (especially if you’re a couple who have been hoping to take the Marriage Course but the times have not been convenient.) Also please don’t forget to sign-up for Ash Wednesday services if you haven’t already done so. Hope to see you at any of the following events or at the Daily Holy Masses at OLM this week whether in-person or online!
Weekend Mass Links
- This past weekend, Father Don spoke about how we can be the light of Christ to those in need. For more details on the CMAA check out the note below ‘Supporting OLM through the CMAA”. Listen, watch, or read how Father breaks this open further at the following links.
For audio-only link https://bit.ly/3aOSi6nWatch on YouTube link (please don’t forget to hit subscribe) https://youtu.be/itIJ33V0w-ERead it here https://bit.ly/3jt1oJXComment on Facebook https://bit.ly/3juzDjY
- This coming weekend is pledge Sunday and we will watch and hear more about it from Bishop Hicks. Register ahead of time at this link to register for Holy Mass or sign-in at the door. It would be great to worship Jesus together with you. If it is your first time using Flocknote, please don’t forget to look for an email that says “Verify your email address” so you can receive the Confirmation emails and be able to modify or cancel your registration.
Eucharistic Adoration Weekly Sign-Up https://bit.ly/3pHfUzQ
- Did you know we have Eucharistic Adoration at the following times? Mondays and Thursdays immediately after daily Holy Mass through 6pm, and Wednesdays 9am – 12pm.
- Spend time with Jesus during your lunch hour or take a break from the work Zoom life with Jesus at Eucharistic Adoration. Sign-up here.
Mobile Food Pantry on Weds 2/10th https://bit.ly/2YDwpkC
- Please spread the word on the Mobile Food Pantry this month. Share the attached link. If you have a Facebook account, share the Facebook post from our page, this is an easy way to help someone you may be unaware that is in need of food.
National Marriage Week now through 2/14th
- Did you know it’s National Marriage Week? This annual observance is an excellent prompt for us to reflect on the gift marriage is to our Church and our country, as well as an opportunity for couples to build up their own marriages. This year the theme is: To Have, To Hold, To Honor so as to highlight how married couples live and renew their wedding promises daily in the building up of the domestic Church in their homes, particularly as many couples and families have spent more time at home together this year. Here’s how you can take part.
- Spend a little dedicated time in prayer and reflection by participating in a seven-day at-home retreat focused on marriage. Here is the link in pdf in English and Spanish) .
- Take part in the Marriage Course online on a weekly day and time of your choosing! Proceed here for details and registration.
Consuming Fire starts 2/16th
- Calling all young adults, ages 18-35. Are you looking to build new friendships and strengthen your faith? Consuming Fire is the ministry for you.
- In this first season of gatherings, we will focus on and learn more about the Holy Spirit and its transforming power in your life.
- Sign up to take the greatest adventure imaginable, a journey to the heart of God. Consuming Fire will meet in person on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm, beginning February 16, and every other week for a social activity such as bowling, grabbing beers, or watching a movie. Contact Matt Kubanda or Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com to learn more click here or click on this link to sign-up for Consuming Fire.
Ash Wednesday is on 2/17th
- The season and gift of Lent is upon us starting Ash Wednesday 2/17th. Holy Mass and Scripture Services sign-up is at this link. Share the link or this graphic of the schedule with others.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, the Vatican and our Diocese have modified how ashes are to be distributed this year. Check out “Thoughts on Ashes Being Placed on the Head” from the Desk of the Vicar General of the Diocese of Joliet at the following link (scroll down past the Ash Wednesday graphic.)
- You will not receive ashes on your forehead. The minister distributing ashes will come through the pews (as we do for communion) and sprinkle ashes (like a pinch of salt) on top of your head.
- The customary formula will be said only once, applying it to all in general.
- Ashes are blessed and distributed after the homily at either Mass or a Scripture Service.
Walking to Jerusalem starts 2/17th
- All parishioners are invited to join a parish-wide health initiative to accumulate physical and spiritual miles from all participants during Lent. It is an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus and improve your health! Join as an individual or a as a family! It starts Ash Wednesday ending on Holy Saturday, the idea is to accumulate 12, 430 miles as a parish to get to Jerusalem and back to Aurora. You will be given information and guides to assist you on your Lenten journey. Register with Jolene LeRoy RN at jolenel@olmercy.com or call 331-707-5380. God bless you on your Lenten journey!
St. Peregrine Prayer Service on 2/24th
- The St. Peregrine Ministry accompanies caregivers and those who live with serious illness, especially cancer, and chronic illness to provide prayer support, resources, education, and sacred space for sharing. Please come to the St. Peregrine Prayer Service led by Deacon Tony Leazzo on Wednesday, 2/24th at 2pm via livestream.
- After the prayer service, join in a conversation via Zoom from 2:30pm to 3pm to learn more about the ministry and form a community of support for one another. Zoom details will be posted during the livestream.
- For questions or additional information, contact Jolene LeRoy RN Director of Pastoral Care at jolenel@olmercy.com or call 331-707-5380.
Living Your Baptism in Lent starts 2/24th
- Join Father Don this Lenten season, as he leads a 6-week reflection and discussion on “Living Your Baptism in Lent.”
- We all know that Lent is a time of prayer and fasting, but did you realize that Lent is also a time to prepare you for the renewal of your baptismal promises on Easter Sunday?
- A booklet will be provided as a prayer resource that seeks to awaken our awareness of God’s unending grace given to us in the sacrament of Baptism.
- There will be personal reflection questions and Scripture passage to consider in your prayer throughout the six weeks of Lent.
- The program will be offered in-person (50 max) and Zoom. Details and registrations are found at this link.
- Don’t forget to check out Father Don’s insightful weekly Bulletin article is located here.
Supporting OLM through the CMAA
- On Sunday, we heard from Father Don. He is asking us for support today for our Diocesan Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. Our Diocese and parishes continue, given all the challenges, to stay open and do all that is possible to bring Christ’s Light of healing ministry to everyone in need.
- Read the following report at this link, on how your gifts to the CMAA help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
- Our parish’s goal for the 2021 CMAA is $154,400, with 70 percent of any amount we raise over this goal returned to us for our use. If you wish to donate now, please click here.
- For further details, please click here.
For the Hispanic Community
- Please proceed here for the Diocese of Joliet Office of Hispanic & Ethnic Ministry to view upcoming events and wealth of resources.
Continúe aquí para la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano y Étnico de la Diócesis de Joliet para ver los próximos eventos y la gran cantidad de recursos.
A Note from the Intercessory Prayer Ministry
How can we be praying for you today?
There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you! Submit your prayer requests at this link
Are you a Grandparent?
- Our Lady of Mercy is forming a Grandparents Ministry to create awareness, encourage and support the vocation of Grandparents to pass on their faith within their families and the Church.
- In the words of Pope Francis, “The mission of grandparents is a real and true vocation.” “Grandparents’ words hold something special for the young. This is how faith is transmitted – through the elders who have made their faith the leaven of their life.”
- The ministry consists of Grandparents, which includes Uncles (Gruncles), Aunts (Grauntys), Godparents and others who nurture through love and strong family bonds. All are welcome to this ministry for their key and critical roles in sustaining the family and passing on their faith while keeping prayer at the core.
- The ministry will connect Grandparents on a regular basis to focus on prayer and topics of importance to families, the Church, and the community; offer educational opportunities; offer opportunities to enrich catechetical life and one’s vocation as a Grandparent, and promote ways to serve our parish community through ministry and service.
- If you would like more information about the Grandparents Ministry or would like to join, please contact Deacon Tony and Allyson Martini at tonym@olmercy.com or Jolene and Jeff LeRoy at jolenel@olmercy.com.
Thank you so much for being mindful about keeping each other safe by observing social distancing, wearing masks, and sanitizing your hands while inside the Church and PLC. Your cautious way of following the social distancing parameters helps us to stay open and hold the Sacraments.