October 29, 2021 | Weekly Update
Love the Lord with All Your Heart
The message of our Gospel echoes this message as well as the words of Moses from our First Reading this weekend:
Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God,
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6)
What’s more, Jesus challenges His followers to also, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12). When we love rightly, all other activities fall into place and we must prepare ourselves for the eternal life to come.
To prepare our hearts before we go to Holy Mass this weekend and to get a glimpse of how Catholics understand “The Last Things” watch the short video from poet, actor, and friend of Word on Fire Jonathan Roumie who plays Jesus in ‘The Chosen’ series on the Flocknote email.
We look forward to seeing you at any of the Holy Mass times this weekend where the presider of each Mass will be preaching, or stop by to visit Jesus at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or at daily Mass during the week.
And praise God, Father Don is safely back from his cross-country road trip with Chardonnay!
- Please note the (4pm on Saturday), 8am, 10am and 12:30pm is for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The 5:30pm Mass time is for the Solemnity of All Saints. - On Monday 11/1 the Mass times for the Solemnity of All Saints is 8am English and 6:30pm Spanish https://bit.ly/AllSaintsSched2021
- Come forward after Mass by yourself, or with your family, friends, spouse, or in the place of someone you know who needs prayer. Prayer ministry is for all those in need of prayer, be it for spiritual, physical or emotional need or thankful praise.
- Please return all donations in baby bottles or envelopes in the collection basket by the narthex by 10/31st. You may also donate online at this link.
- Thank you for your generosity that helps support the life-saving work of Waterleaf advocating for the innocent unborn who can’t speak for themselves.
- The Day of the Dead Altar to pray and remember our dearly departed loved ones will be in the Narthex from 10/30 through 11/2. If you haven’t done so already, please bring and drop off the photo of your loved ones who have passed in the basket in front of the Our Lady of Guadalupe portrait.
- Place the picture in a zip lock bag with your name and phone number on the back of the photo and on the zip lock bag for easy return on 11/3. https://bit.ly/DayoftheDead2021
- Join us at 7pm in-person or at the live stream, in praying for those who have died and for all souls in purgatory. Members of our parish and loved ones of our parishioners will be remembered in a special way at this All Souls Day Mass. Grief Support materials will be available. As part of the tradition at Our Lady of Mercy, there will be candles to take home to remember your loved one in a special way. https://youtu.be/ouNiX-N9kQo
- PADS will be on Tuesday 11/2 to help our brothers and sisters in need. Check out the PADS board in the Atrium (the entrance to our building) for the food items needed. We are also thankful for any funds donated via the Give page or checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy and note on the memo “Hesed House-PADS”. Thank you so much for your generosity.
‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’— Matthew 25:40
- Is anyone in your family divorced? Or do you know someone that could be helped by this program? Please share this information with them.
- Vine & Branches is hosting the program “Surviving Divorce” that features twelve video presentations that cover topics such as shock and grief, anger and forgiveness, money issues, dealing with children and a former spouse, and annulment and remarriage. Check out this video for detailed information on topics and presenters.
- WHEN -|- Wednesdays 7pm to 8:30pm starting November 3rd
REGISTRATION -|- Please register here
CONNECT WITH -|- Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the following group leaders, they are looking forward to hearing from you.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com
1st Friday 11/5 and 1st Saturday 11/6 Devotions
- Respect Life 1st Friday Devotion on 11/5 from 8am to 4pm
- We hope you can come out anytime from 8am to 4pm, to pray for the helpless, innocent unborn who can’t speak for themselves. Pray in front of Planned Parenthood, at the public right of way access. Connect with Lisa SanDiego for any questions (630) 258-0122 or sandiego_family@msn.com. https://bit.ly/3yGSzmU
- Confessions immediately following the 8am Mass
- Every 1st Friday (in addition to the 8am Mass), we will have a 12pm Mass. We hope you join us.
- 1st Saturday 11/6 after the 8:30 am Mass is the First Saturday Devotion
- This devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message. It consists of the following, on 5 consecutive first Saturdays: Going to Confession, receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion, praying five decades of the Rosary, and Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
Find out the reasons why the five Saturdays from our Lord Jesus to Sister Lucia as well as additional details here. We hope you incorporate this powerful devotion into your life. Please connect with Bonnie Ramirez 630-723-4289 for any questions.
- This devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message. It consists of the following, on 5 consecutive first Saturdays: Going to Confession, receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion, praying five decades of the Rosary, and Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
- On Saturday, 11/6 at 6pm is the Charismatic Healing Mass. A healing Mass is a normal Mass, but it has a special focus on God’s healing power; this will be reflected in the songs, prayers, and scripture readings. If you’re in need of God’s healing grace, come to the Charismatic Healing Mass.
- Thank you so much to those who have pledged! Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 70% of the additional funds received will be returned to our parish.
- Father Don and Bishop Hicks are asking us to join them in pledging to the CMAA to help the poor and vulnerable, form our future shepherds, and spread the faith through our Catholic schools, faith formation programs in parishes, and programs for young adults.
- Donations can be made here https://bit.ly/2MOQHVY Check out how your gifts to the CMAA helps at this link https://bit.ly/3dd154X. Thank you for your consideration.
- Check out Bishop Hicks’ insightful thoughts in his monthly column. This month is entitled “The Art of Preaching”
- Is the Catholic Mass biblical? Or ever wonder what the words, gestures, and rituals in the Catholic Mass mean? Do you have a Protestant or a Christian friend from another denomination that has questioned if the Catholic Mass is biblical? Invite them to come with you or go to this Bible Study to find out.
- Meet Jesus in Scripture Bible Study @ OLM presents A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS by Edward Sri. Register at this link for this awesome study
- A Biblical Walk Through the Mass explores the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveals what it all means and why it all matters. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
- This 6 weeks Bible Study will take place every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm starting 11/9th through 12/14th in the PLC. At the last class, Dr. Edward will be hosting the class and a Q&A session from all who sign up for this 6-week study.
- Should you have any further questions, please connect with Joe Wiacek joewiacek@gmail.com or Joe Glasgow with any questions joe.glasgow@packagingprice.com.
- Purchase the $26 study guide https://bit.ly/BiblicalWalkMassStudyGuide (However, if the study guide is a financial hardship, please connect with zara@olmercy.com)
- Check out the trailer below. Looking forward to discovering the beauty and the riches of the Mass with you soon!
Open HEARTS Ministry 11/8
- The next scheduled in-person gathering for Open HEARTS is Monday, 11/8 from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 218 in the Parish Life Center. The ministry is for anyone who has an interest in increasing the awareness of mental health and mental illness and sharing resources and experiences with others. The topic of discussion will be on MERCY – God’s mercy and how we are called to live a life of mercy in relationship to our faith and mental health and wellness. If you would like to learn more about the ministry, please send an email to Janice Hurtado Aeppli at olmopenhearts@yahoo.com
- Coping with Grief and Loss During the Holiday Season will take place in Room 124 on Tuesday, 11/9 from 7pm to 8:30pm; Saturday, 11/20 from 9:30am to 11:00am; Wednesday, 12/15 from 7pm to 8:30pm. You can attend any or all sessions.
- For some, holidays are a time to celebrate and get together with family and friends. For others, holidays are difficult and not a time to celebrate as they are dealing with feelings of sadness, loss, and emptiness. If you are looking for support to help you cope with grief during the holiday season, please consider attending. And if you know of someone that would be helped by these gatherings, please let them know.
- The St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) truck will be in our parking lot 11/6 and 11/7 for the clothing drive. Pick up one of the SVDP bags to place your donated items. Clear out your closets for a good cause; the items are sold at reasonable prices at thrift shops so needy families can shop with dignity. The sale proceeds from the thrift shops go into a general assistance fund where parishes source help for families needing assistance with rent, mortgage, or utility assistance.
- Schedule to donate blood at this link on Saturday 11/13 from 8am to 12pm. Every donor will save up to 3 lives!
- While appointments are appreciated, walk-ins are welcome!
- You DO NOT NEED the Covid-19 vaccine in order to donate.
- Please make sure to eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating. Thank you!
- Please save the date for the annual Ladies’ Advent Tea on Sunday, 11/28 from 2pm to 4:30pm. Plans are for an in-person event in the church and the PLC. Details to follow.
- This year for Thanksgiving we are partnering with the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry and Hesed House to provide families that are currently being assisted by these two organizations with a Thanksgiving dinner!
- We are now accepting donations to benefit those families in need of a meal. Parishioners may make donations via our online giving portal under “Angel Giving” or checks can also be made payable to Our Lady of Mercy with “Angel Giving” in the memo and placed inside of the bin in the Narthex after mass. Please contact Lydia Schmitt, in the main office, with additional questions lydias@olmercy.com or 331-707-5377.
- Think of the image of empty black shoes at the center aisle of a church.
- Who Will Fill These Shoes? The image of empty shoes, a priest’s shoes, laying there by the altar. It is a sharp reminder to all of us that without priests, there will be no Eucharist.
- To all young men ages 7th Grade and older, please come to a day about the priesthood at the Blanchette Catholic Center from 9am to 3pm. There is no cost to attend. Please register through vocations@dioceseofjoliet.org or call 815-221.6141
- The Synod on Synodality is a two-year process of listening and dialogue that began with a solemn opening in Rome in October and will conclude in 2023.
- Let us be in prayer for Bishop Hicks and all the Bishops, for blessings upon the preparation for the Synod of Bishops, and that the dialogue of those participating in the pre-synod process will bear great fruit for the salvation of souls.
- What is a synod you may wonder? Here is an article that explains it.
Check this article out as well, which has a four-point consideration to help us better understand what will be on taking place these next two years.
- Don’t forget to check out Father Don’s insightful weekly Bulletin article located here. This week our guest writer is Father James whose article is titled “Ghostbusters.”
- Did you get an email or a text message from (a fake) Father Don this past week? Please remember, Father Don and Father James DO NOT send texts or emails asking for money or gift cards. If you receive a message appearing to be from Father Don or Father James, please discard it and DO NOT SEND ANY ELECTRONIC MONETARY AID.
- Please proceed here for the OLM Hispanic Ministry’s upcoming events and resources.
Continúe aquí para conocer los próximos eventos y recursos del Ministerio Hispano de OLM. - There will be Stations of the Cross in Spanish every 2nd Wednesday of the month after the 12pm Mass.
A partir de la próxima semana, habrá Estaciones de la Cruz en español cada segundo miércoles del mes después de la misa de las 12 pm.
- How can we be praying for you today?
There are times when life is overwhelming when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you. Submit your prayer requests at this link
- If you haven’t done so, we encourage you to download the Our Lady of Mercy app available to download for iPhone and Android smartphones. Or text APP to 88202 to download.
- Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
Connect with zara@olmercy.com for any questions.
Mission. This group exists to grow a community that inspires and forms the young adult generation to be saints.
Website. Proceed here for details.
Meets. Tuesdays @ 7pm and twice a month for social gatherings.
Connect. Reach out to Matt Kubanda and Mary Rysavy rysavyme@gmail.com
See what they have been up to at this video.
Mission. Vine & Branches is a group at Our Lady of Mercy that offers support and belonging to individuals of any age or faith who are divorced or separated on the way to divorce.
Website. Proceed here for details
Meets. Wednesdays @ 7pm with social gatherings.
Connect. The group leaders are looking forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
Kim Harris kimharris73@yahoo.com
Mary LoGalbo logalbo.marycarol@gmail.com
John Frederick jdfredericj@icloud.com
Jim Marks jimm6351@yahoo.com
Check out the video to find out more about Vine and Branches
FREE ONLINE RESOURCES In this section, you will find free conferences, webinars, and studies that you can freely take part in that can grow your faith.
Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet-connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies… there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church.
- Visit http://signup.formed.org/
- Enter our parish zip or name
- Enter your name and email
Check out our “Eucharist Resources” page to help us understand deeply the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives and the great Feast of Corpus Christi.
From Augustine Institute comes this FREE Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture. There is also Family Content: Enjoy and share family-favorite audio from the series Brother Francis and the Jesus Stories. Please enjoy this latest offering from the Augustine Institute.
Did you know that you have complete access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library! Check out this linkto watch any of the videos whenever you want without ever having to login.
Looking for authentically Catholic content for men? Look no further than HeroicMen.com—the all-new, 100% FREE Catholic streaming platform for men.
Learn about your faith from today’s best Catholic speakers—and do it all from the convenience of home. Stream-on-demand from your phone or tablet, too, for quality Catholic content on the go.
Get it all—for FREE – at HeroicMen.com
Have you wanted to get to know St. Thomas Aquinas and his writings more so as to grow closer to Jesus?
Sign up for any of the short and free courses at Aquinas 101 a project of the Thomistic Institute seeks to promote understanding of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the eminent 13th-century philosopher, and theologian.
Aquinas is a masterful interpreter of reality. His writings assist us in answering perennial questions on topics like God, man, the natural world, law, and morality, and questions of special relevance to our time like the relationship between modern science and faith or pursuing happiness in the digital era.