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Rescue Project Series- Spring

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… what if there is another story?

We are all shaped by a story. The choices we make, the way we live, the things we believethe way we see life itselfare the result of the stories that we have accepted as truthful accounts of reality.

Our modern world presents the story that we are personally liberated, no longer connected to anything beyond ourselves, free to do whatever we like. And we have never been as unhappy. 

The Rescue Project proposes a simple question: what if there’s a different story—a story that engages people to answer the deepest cries of the human heart?

Rules Without Relationship Leads to Rebellion

Father Michael breaks open what “rules without relationship leads to rebellion” means, why he thinks women are always right (listen for further context).

And with Ash Wednesday and Lent right around the corner, he points us to upcoming spiritual opportunities to grow in our relationship with Jesus; with added times of Confession, a Parish Mission on the person and the human heart, Father Michael is particularly encouraging us to take part in “The Rescue Project” starting on Thursday after Ash Wednesday.

Signing up for the Rescue Project gives us an opportunity to come and gather as community, as a small group, with a meal, and conversations that helps us to not focus so much on the rules but on the relationship that is being offered to us in Christ. We hope to see you this Lenten season to grow together in our relationship with Jesus. Sign up for The Rescue Project now!

Still not sure

… about investing in your relationship with Jesus at The Rescue Project? 

Perhaps watching the first talk may help you to decide, here is a glimpse of the first session.

What is it?

Simply put, the Rescue Project is an experience of the gospel surrounded by foodconversation and prayer.

It seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. This experience is imbued with beauty, authentic humanity, and accompaniment.

More concretely, The Rescue Project is proposing another way to see reality through biblical lenses; it’s a way to make sense out of why are things going wrong when they go wrong and why it is that even when times are tough, especially when times are tough, we don’t have to be anxious or afraid or give in to depression or despair.

Why Rescue?

We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel, one that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of seeing reality, and of making sense of the world, history, and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells.

Until this happens, the Christian faith is often experienced as a mere set of rules and disciplines, and simply going to Church isn’t likely to lead a person to embark on the great adventure that is following Jesus and continuing His mission of the rescuing of this world. 

We don’t think most people have ever heard the gospel.

Who is it for?

The Rescue Project is for anyone and everyone! It appeals to those who have been walking with Jesus for years, as well as those for whom Jesus is only a figure in ancient history.  The Rescue Project is ideal for use in parishes, homes, workplaces, bars, prisons, schools, dorms, and more. 

Oh, and by the way it’s free!

What People Are Saying

“I wanted it to never end.”

“I recommend tissues and a seatbelt.”

“I’ll bet this is how the early Christians felt.”

“The Rescue Project saved my marriage.”

“The single most impactful 45 minutes of my life.”

When is it Held?

Thursday evenings during Lent at 6:30pm in the Parish Life Center (PLC) at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, 701 S. Eola Rd, Aurora

2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/23 (Saturday Morning Retreat) and 3/27 (Wednesday).
We end right before the Triduum 3/28th thru 3/31st (Holy Thursday 3/28th through Easter Sunday 3/31st).

Connect with zara@olmercy.com for any questions, or call 331-797-5381.  We look forward to hearing from you! 

Join Us!

The adventure you were born for beckons.

What to Expect

An experience of the gospel

The Rescue project is an experience of the gospel surrounded by conversationfood, and prayer over eight weeks in a small group format.

First up, there’s a


Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table or a quick catch-up over coffee and cake, having a meal has a way of bringing people together. It’s no different at the Rescue Project. We start with a meal, because it’s a great way to encourage community and get to know each other.

Then a


The Rescue Project episodes focus on preaching the gospel with a provocative and compelling approach. Generally, 25 minutes long, with each episode building on the other.   Here is a glimpse of Chapter 1.

Followed by


Probably the most important part of the evening–is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic and simply discuss it in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything. And there’s nothing you can’t say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly, and open environment.

How is the Rescue different from Alpha or other initiatives?

It’s the content

The easy answer is simply, the content. To be clear, we’re huge fans of Alpha. That said, the Rescue Project is a deeper dive into the gospel, whereas Alpha is more of a basic introduction to Christianity.  Like Alpha and many other experiences, The Rescue Project’s format emphasizes small groups and a retreat.


Do I have to talk and share my thoughts?

No. You may remain silent the entire time if you wish.

How long is a weekly gathering?

The Rescue Project gatherings last 2 hours.  They go by quickly. We start on time and always end on time.

Is there a cost?

There is no cost, the Rescue Project is free!

I am coming and will not know anybody else. Is that normal?

Yes. Most people come to our gatherings without knowing anybody else. By the end of it, most people become good friends. The Rescue Project is a great way to meet new people.

What if I go for a week or two and don’t want to continue?

We encourage you to give it a try for three weeks, if after then you still do not want to continue, no worries. We will not call you or bother you if you don’t come back.

Is childcare available?

Yes, we offer free childcare.

I have more questions. Who do I contact?

Questions can be directed to Zara @ 331-707-5381 or email us

Can I invite a friend?  

Yes, definitely! Share the graphic below with them along with this website.

How Can I invite Others?

Rescued people, rescue people.
Consider your Circle of Influence: who has God put in your life who would benefit from hearing the extraordinary news?  Invite them to the life-changing experience that is the Rescue Project.

Here are helpful tips on how to invite others.

Stop Before You Start

Pause and pray. Ask God who you should invite. We have the opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in the conversations that He’s already having with the people around us.

Customize the Invitation

In the Bible, Jesus interacted with different people differently. There was no “one-size fits all” conversation. Consider what you know about the past experiences, hesitations, frustrations, and hopes of the person you are going to invite. By taking the time to understand the individual, you increase the chance they’ll say yes to your invitation.

Be Specific and Direct

We often invite people to something without them really knowing it’s an invitation. Consider how many times plans have been made to “hang out sometime” with someone, and it’s never happened. Asking a yes or no question will get a yes or no answer. Provide specific details so they can make an informed decision.

Top Tip: Avoid starting with a vague inquiry like “Are you doing anything Thursday night?” Those questions put people on guard and can lead to resentment if they feel backed into a corner. They may prefer to do nothing than join you… and that’s ok! Instead, just ask if they would like to join you at The Rescue Project on Thursday night.

If I… Would You…?

When it comes to inviting, simplicity is best. Rather than having a long, complex conversation that ends in a suggestion, try a series of direct interactions that are clear and concise using the “If I… Would You” framework.

“If I sent you the trailer for The Rescue Project, would you watch it and share your thoughts with me?”
“If I go to The Rescue Project on Thursday nights during Lent, would you consider going together?”

Top Tip: Start Small. People are more likely to say yes to an invitation that requires a minimal commitment. Consider how you can move through stages of invitation from exploring the idea to experiencing it for themselves.

Don’t Get Discouraged

A ‘no’ is not necessarily the end of the opportunity. People may say no for a number of reasons, and most of them will have nothing to do with you as a person! Accept the ‘no’ with grace and revisit step 2, considering if there is a different way to approach the individual. Maintaining the relationship is key, so demonstrate that you care more about them than getting a yes from them.

Top Tip: If you get a “no,” don’t be afraid to ask, “Why?” No is often used as a protective measure when someone doesn’t have all of the information they need to move forward. If you know the ‘Why’ you can be a part of the solution

Invitation Graphics for your use

(right click on the image to download)

Year 2 of The Rescue Project @ OLM Lent 2024

Check out a pictorial snapshot of our parish family’s Rescue Project experience during Lent 2024

Zara Tan

Zara Tan

Director of Evangelization & Communications