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Babette’s & Christ Server’s Team

Our Babette’s & Christ Servers Ministry lovingly and graciously prepares meals for many of our community events including Alpha and The Rescue Project. Do you love cooking in the kitchen with an amazing team of people? Consider joining us.
Soledad Diaz and Silverio Perez


Hesed House & PADS

P.A.D.S is the acronym for Public Action to Deliver Shelter, and in Aurora, their campus is known as Hesed House. Hesed House is located at 659, S. River St, Aurora, Illinois. It is the second-largest homeless shelter in the State of Illinois, and the largest shelter outside the city of...
Maybird D’Silva


Justice and Peace

The Justice & Peace Ministry is a ministry whose mission it is to educate, raise awareness and foster compassion for the poor, the marginalized and all those in need. We raise awareness about injustices that are the root causes of poverty, homelessness and other such problems that face people in...

Knights of Columbus

What does it mean to become a Knight? It means a life of faith in action, a life of boldness in brotherhood, a life worth living. Join 2 million Catholic men on a mission. Click here to learn more information about Knights of Columbus #12005. Thinking of Becoming a Knight?...
Jeff LeRoy, Grand Knight



Loving Hands

Loving Hands ministry is an opportunity for women (and men) of all ages to reach out to others by making items (such as blankets, booties, baby hats, winter hats and scarves, etc. ) with prayerful intentions. We also make prayer blankets and pocket prayer squares to support anyone who seeks...

OLM Garden of Hope, Love & Mercy

We started our community garden in 2022 with five raised beds and added five more in 2024 to increase the produce which is all donated to local food pantries and mobile food pantries. We have relied on volunteers for all the work and tending of the garden, and would love...

Respect Life

This ministry engages in education, community service and public policy activities related to pro-life issues (abortion, infanticide and euthanasia among others). We seek to increase respect for all human life, from conception to natural death. Everyone’s welcome to join, whether you want to be active in planning and carrying out...

Social Committee

Embrace your warm and inviting nature with this committee, as you contribute to delightful events such as our monthly Donut Sundays and other enjoyable parish gatherings!

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, is a society of caring women and men who to join together to grow spiritually. Following in the tradition of our founder, Venerable Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul, we offer person-to-person service...

Walking With Moms in Need

What is Walking With Moms in Need? Walking with Moms in Need is a process through which Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need. It’s an initiative of the Church through which we as a community can team together to support mothers...

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