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Liturgical Ministries

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Arts & Environment

This ministry provides artistic, beautiful work in our Church environment. They prepare our liturgical and gathering spaces for each upcoming liturgical season or feast.

Baptism Ministry

We are looking for individuals or couples who are interested in becoming a Baptism Minister. Please consider helping out at this most important and beautiful ministry.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is for children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade. It is suitably adapted to be made relevant to the lives and experiences of young children preparing them for full participation in the Liturgy through their own experiences of worship. It gives them an opportunity to...

Eucharistic Adoration

Without silence, God disappears in the noise. And this noise becomes all the more obsessive because God is absent. Unless the world rediscovers silence, it is lost. The earth then rushes into nothingness. Cardinal Sarah Our Lady of Mercy has Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 10PM in...

Holy Mass Ministries

Our parish takes pride in beautiful liturgies that help us turn toward God. This takes coordinated planning, practice and participation. To become the behind-the-scenes person that makes everything in our beautiful Church run smoothly, contact the parish office at (630) 851-3444. Altar Servers Youth grades 5 through high school assist the priest...

Magnify & Corpus Christi

What is Magnify? Have you ever wondered what an event about Jesus and nothing else looks like?  This is what Magnify is and the beauty of a ministry focused on the Eucharist is its Minister:  Jesus Christ Himself.  Our vision at Magnify is to get out of the way and...

Music Ministry

Adult Choir The vocation of musicians is to reveal the beauty of God through sound. They are able to reach people in ways that others can’t. The Adult Choir sings at 9:00 a.m. Mass, along with additional special Masses. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. This...

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