October 24, 2020 | Mass Sign-Up Reminder and Weekly Update
Beautiful fall day greetings to you. Before anything else, with regards to the most recent update of the Mitigation plan from the governor’s office, please note there is no change for Churches. Praise God for being able to gather safely, to be nourished and strengthened by the gift of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; we pray to see you at the Mass times this weekend.
Weekend Mass Links is live, these are live on Tuesday of each week
- Please sign-in ahead of time online at this link https://bit.ly/3he0WxJ so we can adequately prepare for all who are attending Mass.
- Father James will be preaching at all the Masses this weekend!
- Let us know where you are tuning in from, we’d love to acknowledge you.
- If you are interested in sponsoring a Livestream of the Mass, please reach out to frdon@olmercy.com. Cost is $750.
- During the 10AM Mass, for those that are feeling uncomfortable about being inside the Church but would like to receive Holy Communion, you can watch the Mass while in your car in the Parking Lot and then when it is time to receive Holy Communion, the parking attendants will guide you as to how to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
Receiving the Eucharist on the Tongue
- Bishop Pates renewed permission for the faithful to resume receiving Holy Communion on the tongue. Please carefully review the following instructions if you would like to receive our Lord on the tongue rather than on the hands https://bit.ly/33lT5cc (scroll down to the middle of the webpage.)
EDGE Middle School Grades 6-8 registration
- Registration is now taking place! Check out the EDGE program for middle school youth and register online. Get all the details here https://bit.ly/2SiCZtD
- Parents and interested adults, can you help by serving as an EDGE Catechist? Please contact Dave if you are interested or need additional information, connect with him at davem@olmercy.com
Join the Rosary Group after daily Mass
- October is dedicated to honoring the Most Holy Rosary, so we encourage you to join us after all the daily Masses to pray this beautiful devotion.
Pilgrimage to Israel & Greece Informational Meeting on 10/25th
- Join Deacon Mike Plese on a pilgrimage to Israel & Greece, walking in the footsteps of Jesus and St. Paul on October 2021. Informational Meeting is on 10/25th @ 6:45pm in Room 124. Call (855)842-8001 or go to proximotravel.com for any questions.
Holiday Pie Sale order by 10/25th
- The holiday pie sale is help our teens attending the summer mission trip! This year we are taking orders for our wonderful Holiday Pies and delivering them on the Saturday before Thanksgiving via a drive through pick-up in our parking lot. We are also donating pies to Hesed House as in the past!
- All orders must be returned by Sunday, October 25th to the R.E. Office located in the Parish Life Center. Pick-up of Pies is Sat. Nov. 21st from 10-11am.
- Details and order form are located here https://olmercy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Annual-Pie-Sale-2020-Parish-Order-Form-1.pdf
- Help Hesed House. You can help the residents at Hesed House by purchasing a Apple Hi Pie ($17) OR Pumpkin Pie ($16) and we will take care of delivering it to Hesed House for you.
Magnify on Weds 10/28th https://bit.ly/33ZPv8b
- A special time for the children, family, friends to adore Jesus, meditate on a scriptural reflection with an opportunity to go to Confession; come out to Magnify. Join Father James as he leads us in adoring Jesus, accompanied by Josh Goodman. Father James will be hearing Confessions up until sometime before Benediction after he leads us in a scriptural reflection.
Trunk-or-Treating with the Saints on 10/30th
- Please save the date for October 30 from 6-8PM for our first ever “Trunk-or-Treating with the Saints” event! Come trunk-or-treat as you learn about different saints, get a treat & have some fun! Wear your Halloween costumes and a face mask covering! Registration is required! Please see our website for registration and contact our DRE at maryjot@olmercy.com if you are interested in decorating your trunk to represent a saint!
- For more details and registration, please proceed here https://olmercy.com/trunk-or-treating-with-the-saints/
- Please help our brothers and sisters in need; sign up for any of the items posted above or send funds via the Give page or checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy and note on the memo “Hesed House-PAD”. Thank you so much for your generosity.
‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’— Matthew 25:40
Forming Your Conscience Before the Upcoming Elections on 11/4th
- For summary and highlights to the USCCB Faithful Citizenship document proceed here https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful-citizenship/forming-consciences-for-faithful-citizenship-part-two
- For complete document. https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful-citizenship/upload/forming-consciences-for-faithful-citizenship.pdf
- For the Illinois Catholic Conference brochure. https://www.ilcatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/Political_Guidelines_Brochure_ENGLISH_FINAL_2016.pdf
St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive on 11/7th & 11/8th https://bit.ly/2IARXd3
- Were you hoping to clean out your closets? The St. Vincent de Paul clothing drive 11/7th & 11/8th is a great incentive to do so! Click here for items they will accept (whether in good or bad condition) https://bit.ly/2IARXd3
- Your donations go to the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops where much of your donations are given away free to needy families in the community. Some are sold at reasonable prices at the thrift shops so that needy families can shop with dignity. “Proceeds” from the thrift shops go into a general assistance fund where St. Vincent de Paul Conferences at the churches help families with rent, mortgage or utility assistance.
Mobile Food Pantry on Weds 11/11th https://bit.ly/2DPCaVA
- Please spread the word on the Mobile Food Pantry this month. Share the attached link. If you have a Facebook account, share the Facebook post from our page, this is an easy way to help someone you may be unaware that is in need of food.
Catholic Moms Free Online Summit 11/13th & 11/15th
- Don’t miss this unprecedented FREE event for mothers and grandmothers! The Catholic Moms Summit is FREE, online, and includes some of the most trusted and loved Catholic women experts as they go deep in to the issues mothers and grandmothers face every day. It will be filled with powerful and practical sessions on everything from parenting, to prayer, work/life balance, health, and much more! Over 80 presenters; Danielle Bean, Kimberly Hahn, Lisa Brenninkmeyer, Lila Rose, Pam Barnhill, Lisa Hendey, Crystalina Evert, Elizabeth Foss, just to name a few. To learn more please click here https://bit.ly/3nS9SMx
Brogan Family Coat Drive 11/15th
- Mike and Carole Brogan were icons at Our Lady of Mercy. Both passed away in 2019. One of the ways they supported our parish was a yearly coat drive. Their family and our church would like to continue this mission by asking for donations of new and gently used coats, hats, boots, and gloves. The donations for women and children will benefit Mutual Ground and the donations for men’s items will benefit Breaking Free. On Sunday, 11/15th from 9am to 12pm a trailer will be in the OLM parking lot accepting the donations. Please support this mission to carry on this tradition that is near and dear to our hearts.
Here is an ad you can share https://bit.ly/3nS9SMx
Undy Sunday by Catholic Charities
- Due to the COVID pandemic, Catholic Charities is requesting cash donations and/or purchases from their Undy Sunday Amazon Wish List which can be made through their website at https://catholiccharitiesjoliet .org/undy-sunday/
- Cash donations will be used to purchase the Undy Sunday items that their clients most-need. Items purchased from the Amazon Wish List will be sent directly to Catholic Charities.
- Your generosity and help during this difficult time is greatly appreciated. Know that your contribution makes a huge difference in the lives of the poor and vulnerable in our community.
- For questions on Undy Sunday please email Maybird D’Silva at maydsilva@aol.com
Alpha @ OLM registration https://olmercy.com/alpha/
- Virtual Alpha registration is open-ended! It’s never too late to sign-up. Do you have questions? Are you looking for a place to find authentic community right now? Try Alpha.
Email communication platforms – Moving from Constant Contact to Flocknote
- Please note that after 11/7th we will be using Flocknote for our weekly/parish wide updates. Flocknote is free and through Flocknote you will receive our emails as well as watch any of Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire content. Sign up to receive this weekly update via Flocknote at this link https://OurLadyofMercyAurora.flocknote.com/everyone
- Don’t forget to check out Father Don’s insightful weekly Bulletin article is located here.
Supporting OLM | Parish Sacrificial Giving
- OLM is only able to do any of this because of YOU! Your continued prayers and words of encouragement keep us going and your generosity continues to create more opportunities for OLM to keep our family connected and bring people to Jesus, form them as disciples and send them on mission.
- If you are experiencing hardship during this time, please reach out and let us know how we can help, here is a private link.
- If you are not experiencing hardship at this time, please consider supporting our efforts and support our community through your giving, our Give page is accessed here or text an offering amount to (630)647-8105, follow the rest of the instructions.
To continue to stay open and hold the Sacraments, we ask that everyone observe social distancing and that you bring and wear a mask while inside the Church and PLC. Thank you for keeping each other safe.
“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness….. He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted…. It is He who reads in your hearts your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle.”
—St. John Paul II