September 2, 2021 | alpha
September 2, 2021 | who will you invite or go with to alpha on sept 16th?
Did you know that . . .
For millennials, disagreement is now interpreted as judgment, and that this interpretation is up over 100% from older generations.
Twice as many millennials outside the church are interested in learning more about Christianity and what it could mean for their lives compared to older non-Christians.
The top qualities they would look for in a person with whom to talk about faith are:
“listens without judgment” (62%)
“does not force a conclusion” (50%)
However, only a minority would say the Christians they know personally possess these qualities:
listens without judgment (34%)
does not force a conclusion (26%)
The future blueprint of our Church must create more space to listen.
This isn’t just the way forward… it’s been the way of Jesus all along.
Our current cultural moment finds many of us without connection and community and within an increasingly growing-hostile-to-Christianity secular society. Some may even wonder if God is there and if He cares. Like the shepherd in the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus is still seeking out those far from Him. He longs to be with them, to comfort them, and draw them near. He invites us to seek them out, too. Alpha at Our Lady of Mercy is upon us once again, it is where people have been hospitably welcomed to bring questions, disorientation, and even hostility to the table—and experience love through listening.
Who will you invite or go with to Alpha?
Or perhaps the guiding question is do any of the following resonate with you. . .
Alpha shakes us out of the divisiveness and brings us back to the unitive power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You come to realize that we are all on a journey, we are all in this together and that’s how we build up the body of Christ as one.
We are all restless in some way or form because we’re made for God. He’s the one who has created us and called us into friendship. And until “I know Him, I’m always going to be hungry, I’m always going to be restless.” So if you’re experiencing this right now, Alpha is for you. If you’ve got friends experiencing this right now, invite them because what they’re hungry for, even if they don’t know it, is Jesus.
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TEEN Alpha (Do you have or know of high school teenager(s)?)
Still can’t decide? Listening to the following stories may help
Here is an invite you can send out
So come and journey with the Holy Spirit this fall and begin sharing the life-shaping good news of Jesus that speaks into the deep questions around identity, belonging, and purpose by listening well with love,
because Love Listens.
Hope to see you soon at Alpha and happy inviting!