The REFUGE Teen Youth Group welcomes all high school teens (grades -12) to attend various events. We meet for socializing, faith sharing, service, prayer, food and fun! Teens do not even have to be Catholic to attend! All welcome!
CALENDAR 2024-2025
(Meetings held 3:16-5:16 pm – Youth Center Rm 211)
9/8 Kick-Off Meeting
9/22 Meeting
10/6 Speaker-Maggie Craig; 7-8pm in Church
10/13 Meeting
10/27 Meeting
11/10 Meeting
11/24 Friendsgiving Dinner (after 5:30pm Mass 6:30-8:00pm)
12/1 Teen Adoration Night @ St. Thomas in Naperville; 7:15-8:30pm
12/15 Meeting
1/12 Meeting
2/16 Meeting
2/20 Teen Dodgeball Tournament; 7-9pm @ OLM
3/2 Meeting
3/8-9 Parish Mission
3/23 Meeting
4/13 Meeting
4/18 Teen Living Stations of the Cross; 3pm Church
4/27 Meeting
REFUGE is for any and all high school teens at OLM as well as their friends.