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Loving Hands

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Loving Hands ministry is an opportunity for women (and men) of all ages to reach out to others by making items (such as blankets, booties, baby hats, winter hats and scarves, etc. ) with prayerful intentions.

We also make prayer blankets and pocket prayer squares to support anyone who seeks to be covered in prayer while experiencing challenges whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

Most of our items are knitted, crocheted, loomed or sewn at home but we meet monthly to sort, package and pray over the items we have created. Since most of the work is done at home, the ability to attend our meetings is not essential to participation in our mission. You can work at your own pace and at your convenience. Yarn and fabric for many projects are provided but yarn, fabric and cash donations are always accepted and appreciated.

If you are interested in being a part of Loving Hands or learning more about us, or if you are interested in receiving a prayer blanket or pocket prayer square, please contact us!

Cheryl Harnett

Carolyn Kerkla