Take the greatest adventure imaginable: a journey to the heart of God
What is Consuming Fire Young Adult Grow Group?
Consuming Fire is the Young Adult Grow Group at Our Lady of Mercy (OLM); a community of late teens, 20s and 30s with a real desire to grow in love and relationship with God and fellowship with one another. It is our hope that the Consuming Fire community will encourage young adults to become active leaders in the Church and respond to Jesus’ call to love, evangelize and serve others!
What do Consuming Fire Young Adults Do?
We Gather
We gather with regularity at OLM and other venues to eat, pray, and ‘do life together’! The gatherings are open to anyone: Catholics, non-Catholics, seekers, and those just curious about Jesus.
Our Purpose
The primary purpose of Consuming Fire is to help young adults grow in their relationship with Jesus together – and community is the most effective way to do that! After all, there are no “solo disciples”. Discipleship cannot be lived (and definitely will not flourish) in isolation.
Keeping It Real
Consuming Fire is all about real relationships where there is authenticity, accountability, and accompaniment.
When Do We Gather?
We meet in person on Tuesday nights from 7pm-8:30pm for small groups, and once a month for a social activity.
“Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are. Be generous in your active life, young people! Be deeply immersed in the contemplation of God’s mystery. Make the Eucharist the heart of your day.”
Pope St. John Paul II