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Retreats and Overnights

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Retreats and Overnights help high school teens take a greater ownership in their faith and help them prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. They also provide the teens with the opportunity to share faith discussions and prayer experiences with other teens as well as reflect on their personal gifts and strengths. Retreats and Overnights help the teens see that God is present in their lives. The following are offered through L.I.G.H.T. Chosen Program and are required in order to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

Search Confirmation Retreat- Year 1

Friday/Saturday, January 31-February 1, 2025 OR February 7-8, 2025

CHOSEN Year 1 teens are asked to attend an overnight retreat held in the Parish Life Center. There are 2 dates for teens to choose from and begin at 6:30 pm on Friday night and go until 11:30 am on Saturday morning. Teens can choose to spend the night or go home and return the next morning to finish the retreat. Sign-up for this retreat will take place in the fall of Year 1. A retreat information letter and permission form will be sent to all families with all the details.

Discovery Confirmation- Year 2

Saturday/Sunday, August 2-3, 2025 OR August 9-10, 2025

The Discovery Retreat for our CHOSEN Year 2 Teen Confirmation Candidates will be held at LaSalle Manor in Plano IL in the summer, generally early August (Details on LaSalle Manor can be found here:  https://www.lasallemanor.org/). There will be 2 dates for teens to choose from. Sign-up for this retreat will take place in the spring of Year 2. A retreat information letter and permission form will be sent to all families with all the details.

Retreat Leaders & Peer Ministers

Adults and Teens are invited to consider this ministry. They will help lead our various retreats/overnights throughout the year. We will gather before each retreat for training and planning. Please contact Dave if you are interested in learning more about this.

If you have any questions about our retreat opportunities, please contact the Youth Ministry Office.