From the Pastor’s Desk
August 22 – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
This weekend is our parish celebration of “Reunite in Christ” welcoming everyone back to Our Lady of Mercy! It has been a long time since we have been able to gather as a parish family. While variants of COVID remain a concern, under Diocesan guidelines, we are fully open, and we fully implement safety procedures outlined by the Diocese. I hope everyone has taken the opportunity to enjoy some activities of our “block party” celebrating our oneness in Christ. Thanks to Doug McIlvaine who chaired the “Reunite in Christ” committee, along with the members of the committee; Fr. James, Deacon Tom, Zara Tan, Phil Zwick, Miroslava Manzanares, and Alex Baier for their efforts to celebrate our welcoming back events.
Also, I want to extend a great big thanks to EVERYONE who pulled together in meeting the challenges to put on our in-person Vacation Bible School August 2 – 6. Thank God too for the stunningly beautiful weather we had that week! There were 100 campers! Thanks to the 25 adult volunteers and 45 tween & teen volunteers who worked with the kids in their various stations. Thanks to Mary Jo, Jean Palasz, and Len Eickhoff for all the advance preparations and legwork. Thanks to Maybird D’Silva for photography. And a HUGE thanks to our Art & Environment Committee who made all the props and created the jungle/safari/cave environment to enhance our children in discovering that they are treasure – and treasured by God!
Unfortunately, the Mission Appeal scheduled for this weekend has to be re-scheduled. The new date is the weekend of September 11/12. I look forward to my friend Ertha’s arrival and sharing with you her ministry of founding an orphanage and school for impoverished children outside of Duchity, Haiti. Please welcome her and be as generous as your means allow. Thank you!
Next weekend (except Saturday 4pm Mass), Fr. Steven Borello, our Joliet Diocesan Vocations Director will give the homily at all Sunday Masses on the theme of vocations. As we welcome Fr. Steven, please be open to his message on how parishes and families can support vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Have a Blessed Week!
Father Don