February 9th | 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Guess what? The beginning of Lent is only two and a half weeks away! Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday, February 26. This year our schedule for Ash Wednesday services will be a little different from previous years. And, we are adding something new for families. We will have a distribution of ash service at 5:30pm following by a cheese pizza dinner and Lenten activities for families. This is open to ALL parish families, not just families in RE. Reservations will be required so we know how much pizza to order and supplies to provide. Make reservations by calling or emailing the Religious Education office. The Ash Wednesday schedule of services is as follows:
Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00noon Scripture Service
4:00pm Scripture Service
5:30pm Scripture Service (family)
7:30pm Mass
We also want to give you advance notice of a change in Mass time for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. These Masses are longer than usual due to added rituals. To give proper time to celebrate these Masses and reduce congestion in the parking lot, please make note of the following Mass times for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday – April 4 & 5, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 5:30pm
Easter – April 11 & 12, 2020 – Mass Times
Saturday 8:00pm
Sunday 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm No 5:30pm (There will be Mass in Church & Gym at 9:00am and 11:00am)
We have also added additional confession times during Lent. That schedule will be posted shortly.
Have a blessed week!
Fr Don