February 23rd | 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today is pledge Sunday for this year’s Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. I hope you will join Fr. Mark and myself in making a gift to support the ministries offered to the people of our Diocese through the Diocesan agencies and offices. Last week in my article, I described some of the ways in which the Diocesan ministries serve our parish. You have been so generous in the past, please help us reach and surpass our goal of $146,700.
Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday, February 26. This year our schedule for Ash Wednesday services will be a little different from previous years. We have added something new for families. We will have a distribution of ash service at 5:30pm followed by a cheese pizza dinner and Lenten activities for families. This is open to ALL parish families, not just families in RE. Reservations will be required so we know how much pizza to order and supplies to provide. Make reservations by calling or e-mailing the Religious Education office. The Ash Wednesday schedule of services is as follows:
Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:00noon Scripture Service
4:00pm Scripture Service
5:30pm Scripture Service (family)
7:30pm Mass
In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount by speaking up boldly against retaliation of any kind. Jesus teaches love of enemies. Jesus understands that all men and women share a radical humanity that in the beginning was good. Enemies emerge in the course of time, but this is not part of God’s plan. It comes instead from human distortion. The model offered by Jesus is to be “perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” This is not the perfection of the philosophers or the mathematicians. God’s perfection is wholeness (shalom). In God’s perfection, all the pieces fit just as they did in the beginning when God created all things. Jesus is not willing to give up that radical vision. Fulfilling the law and the prophets is extremely challenging. For Jesus there is no such thing as business as usual in the kingdom of heaven….”You have hear it said…But I say to you.” Let us begin Lent with the resolution to try to become perfect by loving our enemies!
Have a Blessed Week!
Fr Don