Okay, I am interested, but I want to know more so……What is a CRHP Renewal Weekend?
CRHP pronounced “chirp” stands for CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH and is a ministry designed to bring our parishioners together in Christ.
It is a break away from the “busyness” of our daily life so that you can refresh your soul during a weekend of spiritual renewal and renew your heart, rethinking priorities in a time of prayerful reflection.
The day on Saturday starts at 7:30am and goes through the evening at 8:30pm. We return the next day at the same time 7:30am ending at 3pm.
Great! So who conducts the weekend, who can attend and how much will it cost me?
The Renewal Weekend is hosted by Our Lady of Mercy parish and is a wonderful gift of love by the parish to its parishioners.
There is no cost to you. It is presented by a blessed team brought together in Christ by the Holy Spirit from the last renewal weekend. You and any soul 18 and older are invited to “Come and see.” We would love to have you so please do consider attending.
Food is important to me, so my next question is will I get fed?
Agreed! Food is very important to us too so you will be pampered with delicious meals throughout the weekend as well as ample snacks, coffee and other beverages. The only thing we ask is that if you have any special dietary requirements to please let us know for we would love to accommodate your needs. Our team is blessed with souls who know how to cook, love to cook or are masterful food coordinators.
Nice! Okay, so last question: What really happens during the weekend?
As Catholics, we are called to witness to one another the amazing things God has done for us. The CRHP process allows us to do just that—take a break from our busy lives, share our faith with others, and get to know God through His works. It’s spending time with God.
On the more palpable aspect of the Renewal Weekend, it will include Scripture, Mass, opportunity for reconciliation, group prayer, activities and interactions, quiet solitary prayer and reflection, as well as small group participation where all are free to share as little or as much as they are comfortable with.
Oops, I thought that was the last questions, but I have to ask: Why should I come?
Okay, so that’s another really good and tough question. This is a question only you can answer, we suggest praying about it to help you perceive His call to you. And if you feel uncertain where a part of you wants to attend and another part is restless about it, we leave you with this thought to reflect on….
Seek a close relationship with God, saying, “The Father is not far away from me and He is not unknown to me.”
Here’s the thing, God revealed Himself to us and gave us life through Jesus that’s why He always invites to “Come and see” because He is always longing to have a closer relationship with you.
Still have more questions? That’s good!
We would love to hear from you, please do reach out to the invitation coordinators or speak with anyone from the CRHP ministry, in fact ask a fellow parishioner if they’ve attended a CRHP weekend to see what it’s like and if they haven’t gone to one, think of going together so facing the feeling of uncertainty in attending something new is not so daunting alone.
After all God puts people in our lives to give us opportunities to see Him since we are all God’s children; Blessed, Loved and Called because we are created in His image and likeness. So come on over and join us, “Come and see” with Christ.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend!
Yours In Christ † The CRHP Ministry at Our Lady of Mercy