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Family Faith Formation (K-5)

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At Our Lady of Mercy Parish, we accompany and equip parents to embrace their call to raise their children as life-long disciples of Jesus. We do this in four life-changing ways.

  • We come to be transformed by Jesus in community and through the celebration of the Sacraments, where we are inspired to use our God-given gifts to serve one another as His beloved children.
  • Parents hear and reflect on God’s Story of Love at on-site gatherings in the company of supportive parents while the children receive their experience of faith during the same session.
  • Every family takes home a Jesus Storybook Bible that allows everyone in the family to deepen their knowledge and personal awareness of God’s saving love for them.
  • With the blessing and the unique gifts of the families gathered, our table leaders, and our classroom catechists, we encounter Jesus in each other, His Word, and our living Tradition, empowering us to grow and witness our Catholic faith with Jesus’ super-abundant love.

SEEK is the first step or pathway on our journey of faith. Everyone is called to know and find meaning in our Glory Story throughout our lives. It is our sincere hope that every family will enroll in SEEK!

SEEK is about our life-changing Glory Story- the Biblical journey that mirrors our lives and reveals we are created from love and for love. It’s a drama that unfolds, showing we have been captured by sin and need a redeemer, Jesus Christ, who rescues and saves us from ourselves. Our encounter with this unimaginable love transforms us with the desire to respond and live in relationship with God who gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Church to share His supernatural gifts in community as His kingdom-builders on Earth as it already is in Heaven!

Parents, you participate and enjoy fellowship with each other as you encounter our God of love through guided discussions, activities, reflections, and witness stories- all of which serve to equip you to lead and engage your children in meaningful faith experiences at home. Meanwhile, the students are discovering the same Glory Story themes with their peers and the leadership of their classroom catechesis.

SEEK Schedule

Day & Time: Sunday, 11:15am-12:30pm
Dates: September 15 & 29, October 20 & 27

ROOT is a learning experience of our foundational beliefs we profess in the Creed; it is the Church’s reflection of our Glory Story! ROOT follows the SEEK series and begins in the month of November.

Parents, you will get to know the Trinity and the essential teachings of our faith contained in the Creed. You will deepen your understanding of what we believe and be empowered to share the essentials of our Catholic faith with your families. At the same time, your children, in a classroom setting, will deepen their understanding of what we believe through hands-on activities and meaningful conversations. What’s more, an at-home “ROOT Box” connects families with the previous on-site learning experience, deepening the family’s knowledge and practice of the faith.

ROOT Schedule

Day & Time: Sunday, 11:15am-12:30pm
Dates: November 10 & 24, December 8, January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16

MEND is a First Reconciliation preparation journey for families.

Families journey deeper in faith to encounter Jesus in the gift of Reconciliation. This pathway of faith typically follows SEEK and ROOT. As a MEND faith community, families will come together once a month to pray at the 4pm Mass, share in a family friendly supper, followed by a meaningful faith session that grows our love and knowledge of Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

MEND Schedule

Day & Time: Saturdays, 4pm-6:45pm (Includes 4pm Mass & Family Friendly Supper)
Dates: October 5, November 16, December 7

MEND First Reconciliation Reviews

Choose ONE of the following:
Tuesday, January 7- 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday, January 9- 5:30-6:30pm
Saturday, January 11- 10-11am
Sunday, January 12, 6:30-7:30pm

First Reconciliation Celebration

Day & Time: Saturday, January 18; 11am-12pm -OR- 12:30pm-1:30pm

NOURISH is a First Communion preparation journey for families.

NOURISH allows families to journey deeper in faith by preparing to encounter Jesus in the gift of the Eucharist. THis pathway of faith typically follows SEEK and ROOT. As a NOURISH faith community, families will come together three times, once a month to pray at the 4pm Mass, share in a family friendly supper, followed by a meaningful faith session that grows our love and knowledge of Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This journey is designed to equip you as parents to teach, share faith, and pray with your children in a manner that deepens your family’s awareness of God’s real presence of love at home, and most intimately, in the celebration of the Eucharist at Mass.

NOURISH Schedule 2024-25

Day & Time: Saturdays, 4pm-6:45pm (Includes 4pm Mass & Family Friendly Supper)
Dates: February 8 and April 5

AND Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9 for Parish Mission – Mass Confusion (full details to be announced later)

NOURISH First Communion
Retreat 2025

Saturday, April 26

2025 First Communion Masses

Saturday, May 3 at 11am -OR-
Sunday May 4 at 2:30pm

2025 First Communion Mass
Rehearsal Schedule

Wednesday, April 30, 6:30-7:30pm for Saturday, May 3 First Communion Mass

Thursday, May 1, 6:30-7:30pm for Sunday, May 4 First Communion Mass

Make a way with Wonder, an ongoing formation experience for the entire family. Families will encounter the power of storytelling in the parables of Jesus through engaging their imaginations, hands-on activities, and meaningful conversations. WONDER is an encounter of Jesus as master storytellers of parables. Through engaging our imaginations, hands-on activities, and meaningful conversations, we come to deepen our knowledge and love for the Lord. Watch the transforming stories of our faith come alive in the homes of families, with Wonder.

Wonder Schedule

Day & Time: Sundays, 9:10am-9:55am
Dates: October 13 & 27, November 10 & 24, December 8, January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16
Day & Time: Wednesdays, 6:15pm-7:30pm
Dates: October 16 &23, November 6 & 20, December 4, January 8 & 22, February 5 & 12

Additional Family Resources & Events

Family Faith Events

In addition to our exciting pathways of family faith formation this year, we are also host a number of social Family Faith Events focused on themes of our Church Year and Catholic Tradition.

Become a Family Catechist

Are you a passionate disciple who enjoys gathering families with a heart of hospitality? Do you enjoy engaging others in faith discussions and prayer?Would you like to discover how to offer life-changing encounters of Jesus and grow disciples?

See our Contact Information below and Inquire about Becoming a Family Catechist today!

Contact Us

Mary Jo Trapani
Director of Family Faith Formation, Kindergarten – Grade 5 | OCIC
(331) 707-5378

Lydia Schmitt
Individuals with DisABILITIES Coordinator

Karen Schwartz
Administrative Assistant, Family Faith Formation, Grades K-12 | OCIC
(331) 707-5369