From the Pastor’s Desk
November 8 – Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the world of the Protestant Church, today is known as Stewardship Sunday. Usually every year in September we conduct a Stewardship renewal campaign at Our Lady of Mercy. This year we did not because we know that many of our members and families are struggling due to the Coronavirus pandemic. And yet, so many of you have continued your generous support of Our Lady of Mercy parish – mailing in your weekly contributions or making them online. I cannot thank you enough! Every week when our Business Manager Bob gives the Sunday collection report he says that we are truly blessed by our parishioners. Again, I thank those who have been able to continue financially supporting OLM. And if you are not able to contribute at this time, please know we are here to help. Please let us know how we can help.
I also thank those who are able to continue the stewardship of their time and talents in ministry and volunteering. We appreciate what you do. Our limited activities due to COVID and for those who do not feel safe or have underlying conditions, your absence that this time is well understood. We look forward and long for the day when everyone is able to return.
Thank all of you for being good stewards! But I guess it wouldn’t hurt giving a little thought to our stewardship. Many of us have put off doing something because we think we are too busy. We’ve all said, “I’ll do it later when I have time.” Unfortunately, at times we apply this attitude to our faith. Jesus’ call is urgent, in the here and now, in our current circumstances. How is God calling you to use your gifts today? Even in a pandemic! Remember, none of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. As Matthew reminds us in his gospel chapter 25, verse 13…..”Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
Have a blessed week!
Father Don