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Mondays with Monica & Augustine

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October 21

November 18

Advent Series
December 2
December 9

January 27

February 17

Lenten Series (Way of the Cross)
March 10
March 17
March 24
March 31
April 7
April 28

May 19

June 16

Welcome! We are parents, grandparents, godparents, Confirmation sponsors, aunts, uncles, spouses, and friends, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who, together, bring all our concerns in prayer before our Heavenly Father. We know by coming together that we are not alone. This gives us blessed reassurance and hope.

Everyone is invited to a new OLM prayer group held on Mondays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm inside the church.

This weekly prayer ministry is for everyone who would like to pray together for family and friends away from the Catholic Church. Let’s pray that every person chooses to have a relationship with God.

Do the following resonate with you?

  • I’ve experienced grief/heartache of watching a loved one leave the Faith.
  • I’ve offered prayers for the conversion of children and grandchildren living contrary to the Catholic Faith.
  • I’m navigating letting go of anger and unforgiveness so as to allow my heart to be filled with peace and comfort.
  • I am learning / or want to learn how to set an example of faith that draws non-believers to Catholicism.

If you have ever loved someone who left the Faith, you know the ache of wanting that person back at the table.

You pine for them at Mass, you miss their presence, and even wonder, How could life in Heaven be happy if the one I love is not present? When we feel this ache, the one intimately known to Saint Monica for years, we begin to learn how to love as God loves.

Saint Monica experienced all this so acutely with her son, who eventually became a saint, Saint Augustine.

At “Mondays with Monica and Augustine Prayer Group” we follow the example of Saint Monica, whose prayers, tears, and witness led to the conversion of both her husband and her son. We hope you join us! Let us pray together for our loved ones and each other.

We hope to see you on Mondays at 7:30pm!

While registration is not requiredit would be wonderful if you could register so as to help us be prepared to welcome you (have enough prayer guides for everyone etc.)

Do you have questions?

We would love to hear from you! Email Mary Nemetz and Mary Grace Madamba at olmmwma@gmail.com.

Come, Holy Spirit!
St. Monica, pray for us.
St. Augustine, pray for us.

Mary Nemetz & Mary Grace Madamba