December 18, 2020 | Mass Sign-Up Reminder and Weekly Update

December 18, 2020 | Mass Sign-Up Reminder and Weekly Update

It is the Sunday before Christmas! In a year that’s been like no other, an invitation can make a difference so whether in-person or online; who will you invite to Christmas Holy Mass, sweet Scarlet would like to know, watch what she says here.


Weekend Mass Links and Livestream of the Mass 

  • Father Don will be preaching this weekend, please sign-in ahead of time online at this link so we can adequately prepare for all who are attending Mass.  (The sign-in is live by Tuesday of each week).
  • The Livestream of the 10AM Mass is courtesy of the Frey FamilyWith thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit and for Father Don who welcomes all!  He is a good shepherd!
  • During the 10AM Mass, for those that are feeling uncomfortable about being inside the Church but would like to receive Holy Communion, you can watch the Mass while in your car in the Parking Lot, and then when it is time to receive Holy Communion, the parking attendants will guide you as to how to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
  • In addition to Facebook, we live stream on YouTube as well!  Please consider subscribing to your OLM YouTube Channel here; subscribing helps the livestream efforts out.
  • We have a livestream ministry.  It is fun, easy, and fulfilling to take part in.  We are seeking creative individuals who are interested in joining our “Stream Team” to help continue to bring the Masses at Our Lady of Mercy online.  If you are interested or know someone who would enjoy volunteering in this role, please connect with

Christmas Holy Mass In-Person or Online 

  • If you have not signed up yet, please do so soon.  Register here.
  • We have a lot of people coming to Holy Mass to receive Jesus the Bread of Life who in a big way is more essential than the bread we eat for our bodies. We believe it is safe to come to Mass for those who discern they are ready to come. If you’re able to come to Christmas Mass, we’ll see you soon. If you discern you’re not able to come to Mass because of health precautions, that is perfectly ok and there is nothing wrong with this. (Don’t let anyone shame you for this either.) Just please know that you are not forgotten and that we’re praying that this pandemic will end soon so that we can be together again in the Eucharist which not only makes us one in Christ but is the perfect expression of that unity in Him as a parish family.  We pray you join us online and extend the invitation out to others; you can find shareable invitations here.

Remaining Confession Times Before Christmas 

  • Sunday 12/20th 4:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Monday 12/21st 7pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday 12/22nd 7pm until all are heard

Blue Christmas | A Virtual Service of Healing and Hope 

  • Feeling blue due to the loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss or challenges of the pandemic? You are invited to a virtual gathering of reflection & support on Monday, December 21st from 7PM 8PM via ZOOM. Please email Jolene LeRoy RN at to register.

Our Lady of Mercy’s Hispanic Ministry | Las Posadas

  • Join OLM’s Hispanic Ministry to pray the posadas via Zoom @ 8pm.  Join by using the Meeting ID 860 2433 3666 and Password POSADAS.  For more information, contact Veronica Manzanares (630) 210-6143.


Christmas Flower Offerings

  • This Christmas we will decorate the church with poinsettias around the altar. If you wish to make a gift towards the flowers please go to Give page and log into the secure Online Giving site and choose “Flowers:”. If you wish to memorialize your loved ones you can add their names in the Comments section. The recommended donation is $10.00. Thank you for your generosity and for helping to make our church beautiful during the holiday season.

Alpha @ OLM registration

  • Prepare those invitations to both In-Person Alpha and Virtual Alpha in January.  
  • Are you growing weary of the pandemic life, of the isolation?  Do you have questions?  Are you looking for a place to find an authentic community right now?
  • Attend with a friend.  Who will you invite to try Alpha?

Fair Trade Sale Online sponsored by the Peace & Justice Ministry

  • Fair-trade is a way of helping farmers and artisans in developing countries by offering them a minimum price for their produce or products and thus insuring them a decent wage.
  • Gifts to buy? Homes to spruce?  100% of your purchase will support SERRV International, a nonprofit that employs global artisans living in poverty.  We hope you support this Our Lady of Mercy Serrv and Earn fundraiser today
  • Please be sure to use the link and check the orange banner at the top of the home page before shopping, to be sure our parish sale is identified.  Thank you!  Any questions call Chris Harvey 631-561-9722 or Jean Rehmer 630-851-3444 x232

It’s a New Puppy Christmas!  See the following from Father Don.

  • Two parishioners have already sent me pictures of new puppies they are getting for Christmas.  I’m so excited that I decided to have a blessing for new four-legged members of your family!  So, if a new puppy or kitten appeared under your tree as a Christmas gift, or you adopted a shelter dog or cat for Christmas, you are invited to have your new family member blessed.  I will be blessing those cute little creatures of God on the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday, December 27 between 1:30 to 2:30pm in the center circle drive at entrance A.  And I’m checking with Santa to see if he is not too tired and can be there to take a picture with your new family member.  This blessing is for dog/cats that are Christmas gifts.  Our annual blessing of all pets takes place in October.


  • Don’t forget to check out Father Don’s insightful weekly Bulletin article is located here.

Supporting OLM | Parish Sacrificial Giving

  • OLM is only able to do any of this because of YOU! Your continued prayers and words of encouragement keep us going and your generosity continues to create more opportunities for OLM to keep our family connected and bring people to Jesus, form them as disciples and send them on mission.
  • If you are experiencing hardship during this time, please reach out and let us know how we can help, here is a private link.
  • If you are not experiencing hardship at this time, please consider supporting our efforts and support our community through your giving, our Give page is accessed here or text an offering amount to (630)647-8105, follow the rest of the instructions.
  • Do you shop on Amazon?  If so, you can help OLM just by shopping for yourself!  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to charitable organizations. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know and love-same products, same prices, same service. There is no change to your user ID, password, wish lists, registries, or Amazon Prime benefits.  Here is how
    • Every time you shop on Amazon, please type the following web link in your browser from your computer or mobile device: then select Our Lady of Mercy Parish, in Aurora, IL as your charitable organization of choice.
    • Please update your bookmark or favorites to use this link every time for every purchase.
    • Only purchases made through credit our account, not the main website or the app.

Angel Giving Program 2020

    • Our Angel Tree Giving Program Is Going Virtual!  Due to the pandemic, and in order to minimize contact, this year we have decided that there will not be tree tags available in the Narthex, but rather, all donations for our Angel Giving Program can be made online or by mail!
    • Who Will Benefit From Your Donation? Our Angel Giving Program will benefit Mutual Ground and Breaking Free clients and their families, Our Lady of Mercy parishioners who receive support from St. Vincent de Paul, and the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry.
    • Ways To Donate! Donations for the Angel Giving Program can be donated in one of the following ways:
      1) We encourage you to donate via our Online Giving portal under the “Angel Giving Program” fund. If you already have an Online Giving account set-up, then you can log into your account to make your donation HERE.
      2) You may also write a check made out to Our Lady of Mercy Church with “Angel Giving” in the memo line and mail it to 701 S Eola Road, Aurora, IL 60504 OR after Masses you may place your check in a bin in the Narthex that is labeled “Angel Giving Program.”
      It is important to remember to write “Angel Giving” in the memo of your check so that it goes to the correct fund and can be documented correctly for tax statement purposes.
    • All donations can be made thru December 31, 2020.
    • Thank you for your prayerful consideration to give to those in need who will benefit from your donations!

Thank you for being mindful about keeping each other safe by observing social distancing, wearing masks, and sanitizing your hands while inside the Church and PLC.  Your cautious way of following the social distancing parameters helps us to stay open and hold the Sacraments.


To continue to prepare ourselves for the celebration of our Savior’s birth in these last days before Christmas, let us pray the ‘O Antiphons’ together for evening prayer from now until Dec 23, to embody “the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.”

What are the O Antiphons?
  • The importance of O Antiphons is twofold: Each one highlights a title for the Messiah: O Sapientia (O Wisdom), O Adonai (O Lord), O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), O Clavis David (O Key of David), O Oriens (O Rising Sun), O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations), and O Emmanuel. Also, each one refers to the prophecy of Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah.
  • The Roman Church has been singing the “O” Antiphons since at least the eighth century.
  • They are the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from December 17-23.
  • They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but present ones as well.
  • Their repeated use of the imperative “Come!” embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.
December 17
O Wisdom of our God Most High,
guiding creation with power and love:
come to teach us the path of knowledge!


December 18
O Leader of the House of Israel,
giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:
come to rescue us with your mighty power!

December 19
O Root of Jesse’s stem,
sign of God’s love for all his people:
come to save us without delay!

December 20
O Key of David,
opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom:
come and free the prisoners of darkness!

December 21
O Radiant Dawn,
splendor of eternal light, sun of justice:
come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the
shadow of death.

December 22
O King of all nations and keystone of the Church:
come and save man, whom you formed from the dust!

December 23
O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law:
come to save us, Lord our God!